Local artist to feature brand new collection of artwork in upcoming exhibition at Kenwyn House Gallery |20 January 2022

Camille Frichot
This month, new and unique works by local artist, Camille Frichot, are appearing in an exhibition titled ‘Translate the future’ at The Gallery, Kenwyn House in Victoria.
The exhibition, which will also feature the works of other artists, will be launched tomorrow, Friday January 21, 2022 and will be open for around three months.
We introduced Camille, a mixed media artist, to our readers last month in an article where she spoke about her passion for creating abstract paintings, the majority of which are of female nudes.
We spoke to Camille again after learning that, for the purpose of the upcoming exhibition, she has created a new collection of paintings which she says is different to her usual work, and also different to the art that we see around the island.
Seychelles NATION: Tell us a bit about the upcoming exhibition at Kenwyn House.
Camille Frichot: The unifying theme of the exhibition is ‘Translate the future’. There will be a collection of my paintings as well as an array of work from some extremely talented fellow artists to explore. Everyone is welcome to attend and the doors are freely open to the public to come and visit the exhibition. All art enthusiasts would benefit from visiting this exhibition.
Seychelles NATION: You mentioned that you will be exhibiting a new collection of paintings that is different from your usual work. Tell us more about this.
Camille Frichot: I started working on this new collection for the exhibition which took around four months to complete. The process of creating the artwork was surprisingly quite reflective of past events and memories. The intention was to use this as a stepping stone forward to the future which relates to the theme of the exhibition ‘Translate the future’.
This collection is very abstract and quite different to my usual work. There is a lot of texture and layering of materials which is the result of multiple experiments! This body of work is also very different to the art we see around the island.
When I started working on the new collection, for the first time I did not plan what I was going to paint, what materials I was going to use, or how I wanted the final outcome to be. It was all a journey of experimentation. Complete artistic freedom to tap into the unknown and see what the end result would be – it felt very liberating.
Seychelles NATION: What made you decide to participate in this exhibition and what do you hope to achieve by partaking in this event?
Camille Frichot: It was completely by chance – I was attending a yoga class at Kenwyn House and started a conversation with the lady who runs the gallery; one thing led to another, and she encouraged me to take part in the exhibition, which I am very grateful for.
Kenwyn House is one of the most beautiful, historic, colonial buildings in the centre of town, freely accessible to everyone and absolutely charming! Kenwyn House Gallery is a non-profit gallery which supports local artists like myself. This is the first time I have considered displaying my work so I am quite excited!
The purpose of this exhibition is to engage more closely with the local art community and my fellow islanders through this unique new collection.
A big thank you to Kenwyn House for providing a beautiful space in the centre of town and for supporting me and all fellow local artists.
For more information:
- Follow: Instagram profile - camillefrichotart; Facebook page - @camillefrichotart
- Email: camillefrichotart@outlook.com
The accompanying photos are samples of Camille’s new collection.
Photo credits: Camille Frichot