Librarians bring hope and comfort to pediatric ward |30 December 2021

Dr Henriette addressing the gathering during the ceremony (Photo: Dionne Renaud)
In the spirit of good health, peace, love and joy for this holiday season, the public library services unit of the National Library, yesterday donated some colourful photo frames and bookmarks with uplifting quotes on healing, Bible verses relating to health and healing, and words of encouragement, to the pediatric ward at the Seychelles Hospital.
It was the director of hospital services, Dr Kenneth Henriette, who accepted the donation on behalf of the pediatric unit, which also included some fruits and hamper baskets as contributions also to the staff and young patients at the unit, coming from the librarians.
The photo frames, to be hanged on the wall, will not only act as decorations but also to help in educating the children, staff and visitors while the fruits for getting the children and staff in good shape.
Dr Henriette thanked the National Library and staff for their generous donation. He noted that although the gesture is simple, it is very touching in a sense that it will educate the children and also help with the recuperation of their health.
He added that the donation will help the children, who are not able to go home, and working, to enjoy the spirit of the festive season.
He wished the librarians a happy festive season.
Speaking on behalf of the National Library, Merylyn Henrie, senior librarian, explained that apart from the education side, part of their mandate also is to bring morality, among other social aspects, in the community.
She said that photo frame activity is part of activities organised for clients during the school holidays where they get to use it to take personal pictures, and due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it did not take place this time around.
Mrs Henrie noted that to bring closure to activities organised by the National Library for the year, it was decided to dedicate the colourful photo frames with the words of encouragement, to do with health and healing, to the pediatric ward, to bring hope and comfort to the children, their parents and staff.
She took the opportunity to thank the health workers for the good work they are doing and wished them and the children on the ward a happy New Year.
Patrick Joubert