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Dentist in Seychelles nominated for World’s Top 100 Doctors award by Global Summit Institute |29 December 2021

On December 12, 2021, Dr Bibhakar Ranjan, principal dentist at Dr. Murthy’s Family Medical & Dental Klinik, was conferred to the World’s Top 100 Doctors award by the Regents of the Global Summit Institute, for exemplifying leadership, excellence and entrepreneurship in the advancement of the healthcare industry.

For the year 2022, Dr Ranjan is the only Doctor-Dentist from Seychelles among the top 100 doctors around the world elected this year.

In the following interview with Dr Pavel Krastev and Dr Bibhakar Ranjan, we learn about the Institute, the World’s Top 100 Doctors award, and the significance of Dr Ranjan’s award for Seychelles. Dr. Krastev practices dentistry in New York and is a Regent at the Global Summit Institute.


Seychelles NATION: What is the Global Summit Institute and what is your role as a Regent?

Dr Krastev: The Global Summit Institute was founded by Dr Kianor Shah with the mission to unite doctors across the globe and to exchange knowledge and experience. This led to the revolutionary D2D (Doctor to Doctor) movement currently uniting doctors across the globe. In essence, we strive to guide our colleagues, especially the younger ones, to further their knowledge base and skillsets and to ultimately be better clinicians.

Furthermore, the Institute is what I like to call the mother ship, the mitochondria that gives life to our extended projects. We operate over twenty platforms as extensions of the institute. Recently we spearheaded the USH (Universal School of Health), where a doctor can earn another doctorate degree to further enhance their knowledge in areas that perhaps were not taught in medical school.

As for my role as a regent, it’s a huge honor to have this title. The title carries responsibilities and duties which can affect many, therefore it must be respected. Together with the other regents we take crucial decisions regarding the direction the mother ship will fly in. One way to think of it is that we are similar in function to the United States Supreme Court. Simply, we are faced with daily critical decisions.

Seychelles NATION: Tell us about your professional background as a doctor and becoming a Regent.

Dr Krastev: I received my DDS degree from New York University College of Dentistry in 1993. I immediately went into private practice and served as Assistant Professor in Cappa at NYUCD once per week. From 2002-2004, I trained at NYU in the field of implant surgery and reconstruction. Following my training, I was invited to serve as Clinical Assistant Professor in the very department I graduated from. I did this for approximately 14 years or so. It was a programme where USA licensed dentists would come to and learn basic implantology over a two-year period.

I spent seven years developing and patenting new inventions, mostly dental, and more specifically surgical. I work closely with Helmut Zepf GmbH from Germany as a KOL and development partner. They are one of the finest designers and manufacturers of dental instruments. They carry some of my products, for example, The VGO System for bone dilation, The Surgical Organizer, The Endo Cube, etc.

Becoming a regent is a process, it’s a learning curve where you understand the organisation and the operating body. One must know how they can help in guiding the future of healthcare in a good direction for all of us healthcare providers. We cannot afford to make mistakes since a lot is at stake.


Seychelles NATION: Recently, Dr Bibhakar Ranjan was chosen as one of the Top 100 Doctors for the year 2022 Interdisciplinary Cohort by HEX Commission, He's the only Doctor-Dentist from Seychelles among all the top 100 doctors around the world elected this year. What is the importance of this election?

Dr Krastev: First, a hearty congratulations to Dr Bibhakar Ranjan for this accomplishment, job well done. There is often confusion in regard to the Top 100. I will briefly explain. All doctors across the globe are equal in my view. Medicine is complex, we cannot all be experts at everything. We must work together often in teams to achieve wellness and good outcomes. Being elected to the Top 100 Doctors doesn’t mean superiority towards your other colleagues, rather, we recognise colleagues on so many levels for their dedication. Their dedication towards humanity, towards sharing knowledge with us all freely and with the intent for better patient outcomes.


Seychelles NATION: What does this nomination and election mean for the island nation of Seychelles?

Dr Krastev: This nomination is a recognition that should not be taken lightly. The island nation Seychelles should be very proud of Dr Ranjan for his success. This means a progress forward when it comes to the island. It means the other doctors from the island can unite and work together to ultimately provide better care for all your citizens.


Seychelles NATION: Will the global health summits help innovate, educate and support doctors in remote places of the world where continued education is very difficult especially during the Covid pandemic?

Dr Krastev: Absolutely, we are dedicated to raising the bar in healthcare all over the world at many levels. When doctors are united, people and government entities pay attention. We have a common voice that can swing the pendulum in a promising and positive way that can affect all of us. United we stay strong. The globe has no place that the Global Summit Institute can’t touch.  




Seychelles NATION: Tell us about your journey prior to getting nominated for the Top 100 Doctors in the world by the Global Summit Institute.

Dr Ranjan: I was born in a family of dentists and doctors; since my early childhood I was fascinated by how we can heal others in pain and how much difference we can bring into other people's lives. I used to be part of health camps even in my teenage days.

After graduating as a dentist I chose a charitable hospital in India rather than a profitable private practice to treat the poor and discriminated people of our society for almost 5 years. During the early start of my career in India, I kept on doing health camps, workshops, health education for segments of our society which are mostly ignored and forgotten.

After moving to Seychelles, even though my work keeps me busy, I keep raising important issues through television, radio and newspapers. I’ve spoken about the Infant Oral Mutilation (IOM) practice in East African countries, Maternal Oral Health, Oral Health in Drug Abusers, Dental Phobia, Oral Health in Breast Cancer Patients, Covid, and many other topics.

My continuous work in healthcare for more than a decade was noted by my peer groups who felt that I am worthy to be nominated for the Top 100 Doctors in the world. I guess my continued relentless and selfless work in oral health education, humanitarian efforts, and my notable contribution to the profession over a decade is the reason for me to be selected.

I was surprised when I saw the mail from the Global Summit about my nomination and I was not even sure if they will select me among the top 100 doctors. In the past few years, many of my mentors who are world-famous doctors were elected and also associated with the Global Summit, so it was an honour for me and also a sense of gratitude for me towards my peer group who felt I am worthy enough to be on the same pedestal.


Seychelles NATION: What values do you feel your nominations and election bring for Seychelles?

Dr Ranjan: To be part of this esteemed organisation and to be among the very skilled doctors from around the world will itself open many doors. There is a lack of continued dental education on our island as we don't have a dental school, and also due to the pandemic, we couldn't do many workshops.

In the Global Summit every year, world-famous speakers conduct lots of Podinars/Webinars and also conduct valuable workshops which will be a learning experience. In turn, it will benefit our patients in Seychelles.


Compiled by F.P.

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