Double Click Group Seychelles donates to the hemodialysis unit and the Cancer Concern Association |23 December 2021

The Double Click Group Seychelles has donated a cheque for R30,000 each to the hemodialysis unit in the Ministry of Health and to the Cancer Concern Association (CCA) for the festive season
It was chief executive Muditha Gunatilake and staff who presented the cheques to the director of hospital services Dr Kenneth Henriette and committee member of the CCA, Brian Orr.
The ceremony took place yesterday afternoon at the Seychelles Hospital.
On behalf of Double Click Group Seychelles, Lucianne Ally, group HR and admin manager, said that being in the festive spirit, the group has seen it necessary to think of those suffering, especially dialysis and cancer patients.
“Today we have decided to make such donation and this will definitely be of assistance especially now that the country is in the Covid-19 crisis,” she said.
Dr Henriette said that the money has come at an opportune time when the unit is in a very trying situation. He noted that the ministry relies on public-private partnership to give comfort to patients.
On behalf of the ministry, the hemodialysis unit and the dialysis patients, he thanked Mr Gunatilake and the group of companies for the generous donation.
On his part, Mr Orr also thanked Mr Gunatilake and the group of companies for the donation. He said the money will be used to assist with the comfort of the cancer patients and to buy some gifts for them and for staff of the oncology unit for the festive season.
Nurse manager of the hemodialysis unit, Elsia Sinon, later said that the money will be used to buy some everyday items used by patients such as blankets, an ice box and some comfortable chairs for the waiting area.
The accompanying photographs show the handover of the cheques.
Patrick Joubert
Photos by Thomas Meriton