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Assembly approves budget allocations for two more ministries, their different departments and entities |09 December 2021

A budget allocation of R14,103,000 for the Ministry of Investment, Entrepreneurship and Industry as well as another allocation of R162,372,000 for the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Trade were considered and approved by the National Assembly during its sittings on Tuesday.

The Assembly also considered and approved the budget allocations for different departments and agencies that fall under the two ministries.


R14,103,000 for the Ministry of Investment, Entrepreneurship and Industry

The budget for the Ministry of Investment, Entrepreneurship and Industry was presented by Minister Devika Vidot, the principal secretary in the same ministry Michael Nalletamby, as well as other key officers.

Among its mandate the ministry is also responsible to promote development and the use of science, technology and innovation in different economic sectors as well as interactions with local and international organisations. Furthermore the ministry is also responsible to ensure good performances of the different agencies that form part of its portfolio. These are the Seychelles Investment Board (SIB), Enterprise Seychelles Agency (ESA), the Seychelles Bureau of Standard (SBS) and the Industrial Estate Authority (IEA).

Minister Vidot informed Assembly members that her ministry’s budget allocation for 2022 has seen an increase of 40% compared to the 2021 revised budget of R10 million. The biggest chunk of that sum, R2.89million will be absorbed by wages and salaries. This is the result of restructuring process underway in the ministry and expected to be in effect early next year.

“The restructuring concerns the transfer of four members of staff from different agencies to the ministry’s secretariat. Additionally an accounts officer and a communication officer will also be transferred to the ministry from the finance ministry.  With regard to new recruitments, the ministry has four posts which it expects to fill by January next year,” Minister Vidot said.

An increase of R1.187million in the sum allocated for goods and services will go towards rent which will increase as the 25% reduction offered by landlords for 2021 has been reduced to 10%.

Among the questions that Assembly members raised included if there were any provisions for the cinnamon industry to which Minister Vidot said no money has been earmarked for it.

The Assembly voted 28 for, none against and one abstention to approve the allocation.


A sum of R8,694,000 for the SIB

Alongside Minister Vidot, the chief executive of the SIB Anne Rosette presented the budget allocation and answered Assembly members’ questions in relation to the allocation. She noted that R4.77million has been earmarked for wages and salaries while a sum of R1.9million is going into goods and services. Ms Rosette told Assembly members that the entity will continue its effort to deliver at the highest level on its mandate and its aim is to work more closely with the private sector as well as its international partners.


Enterprise Seychelles Agency (ESA) also gets a budget allocation of R8,694,000

Following Minister Vidot’s brief presentation the chief executive of ESA, Angelique Appoo, answered Assembly members’ numerous questions and clarifications.

Among the numerous issues that Assembly members raised with regard to ESA were the security of its premises which Minister Vidot noted that there are no budget allocation for security and that the police and a task force of different agencies have taken up the responsibility to oversee and check the premises at all times. The increasing demand for space by small businesses is also a concern, access to funding for small businesses, the need fora diversity of small business activities in the districts, the future of Anse Royale leisure park were also raised. To the latter Minister Vidot noted that the project has been transferred to the ministry responsible for family affairs noting that the latter is already working on a concept which it will then implement. As for the beach park development for small businesses,  Minister Vidot has invited the Anse Royale district authorities for further discussions on the project.


A budget of R55,174,000 for the Industrial Estate Authority (IEA)

Presenting the budget for IEA, its chief executive Roy Collie informed Assembly members that the authority is responsible for the development and management of the industrial estate and the different micro enterprises.

“This is with the aim of facilitating development and diversification on the industrial zone through creating a favourable environment guided by policies and strategies of the government,” Mr Collie said.

He explained that the budget for the IEA includes an increase of R21,289,000 from which a sum of R18,850,000 has been earmarked for capital projects which include infrastructure for zone 20, for zone 6 and for Zil Eve.

There is also a provision for small drainage projects, enlargement of parking facilities and surveys that have to be carried out in specific areas.

He further explained that the budget is also making provision for a grant of R12,456,000 for the setting up of a marine and auto industrial park at Providence.

A sum of R1,356,000 will go towards wages and salaries for three new recruits while a sum of R1,080,000 has been earmarked for maintenance works on infrastructure that the IEA manage.


Seychelles Bureau of Standards (SBS) secures a budget allocation of R24,104,000

When she presented the allocation for Assembly members’ consideration Minister Vidot noted that R1.9million of the sum will go towards new recruitment and transfers as well as the acquisition of new laboratory equipment.

The vote which did not require any debate received the unanimous approval of Assembly members.


A budget of R162,372,000 for the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Trade  

Minister Naadir Hassan was accompanied in the National Assembly by the Secretary of State for Finance, Patrick Payet, PS for trade Cilia Mangroo, PS for economic planning Elizabeth Agathine to present the budget and answer Assembly members’ questions and clarifications.

Minister Hassan explained that the budget allocation represents R66.3million reduction on the budget for 2021.

In the allocation the finance department has received a sum of R98.2million which reflects a cut of R17.7million and this is because the vote under wages and salaries has reduced by 31.6million due to the fact that 187 members of staff from accounts and procurement have been transferred.

“The department is putting in place structures and mechanisms to improve accountability by accounts officers. The finance department will also continue to provide training to ensure accounts officers are properly equipped to deliver on their responsibilities of managing public finance,” Minister Hassan explained.

Furthermore he noted that the budget allocation for goods and services has increased by R4.4million and he went on to detail the different components under this vote which include the setting up of an information system to provide information on all projects funded by our international partners. The system is being funded by the African Development Bank and it is expected to become operational by the end of next year.

There is also a provision of R9.09million under a line of credit to start work on setting up an integrated Financial Management Information System. Work will start next year but the system is expected to be fully operational in 2024.


R3.5million for the Department of Economic Planning

The department has secured an increase of R333,000. R360,000 more will go towards wages and salaries as there has been the recruitment of a new economist and the promotion of two other employees.

Goods and services got a reduction of R27,000 and Minister Hassan went on to detail the reasons for this cut.


R60.7million for the Department of Trade

Minister Hassan explained that this reflects a reduction of R48.957million. But he noted that the department will remain focused on its roles to ease trade,  negotiate trade agreements and modernise trade related regulations to ensure that the private and public sectors benefit from policies related to trade.

Minister Hassan explained that the department has also seen an increase in its budget for wages and salaries to a sum of R57,000 which will go towards upgrading the positions of employees of the import and export unit.

Minister Hassan gave Assembly members details of different other components of the budget for the department of trade.


R13,904,000 for the Fair Trading Commission (FTC)

Alongside Minister Hassan to answer Assembly members’ questions and clarifications on the budget allocation for the FTC was its chief executive Francis Lebon.

Following a number of questions and clarifications, the allocation was approved after members voted 25 for, none against and one abstention.

The National Assembly will continue to consider the budget for other ministries and departments in its sittings today.


Marie-Anne Lepathy


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