Autistic artist Patrick Alexis exhibits first art works collection |13 November 2021

Patrick next to his favourite painting (Photo: Thomas Meriton)
Patrick Alexis, a young autistic artist living in Roche Caïman, has since yesterday been exhibiting his first collection of art worksat the Carrefour Des Arts in Victoria, next to the National Library.
The opening of the exhibition took place in the presence of family members and friends, fellow artists and other guests, and Patrick used the opportunity to showcase his talent in a live presentation.
The young autistic artist had on display 21 pieces of art work, mostly inspired from emotions felt following andwitnessing hismother, Juliana Alexis, struggling with cancer in 2020, and who later died on February 21,2020.
Seylar Federation chairman Danny Sopha opened the art exhibition and he was assisted by well-known local artist Nigel Henri.
Patrick’s paintings on canvas are abstract in nature, painted with acrylic paint and wax crayons, withperfectly chosen and specific colours that relate to his emotions. He is being accompanied in the exhibition by his cousin and mentorRobert Alexis, a professional artist and sculptor who had on display seven pieces of abstract paintings in two dimensions.
Patrick Alexis is the first autistic artist to hold an exhibition in Seychelles.
Since experiencing the cancer tragedy of his mother Julianna Alexis in 2020, 35-year-oldPatrick has been in the care of Robert who has helped to ignite his interest and abilities in art.Two of his favourite paintings on display areone picturinghis sick mother lying in bed battling the disease and another where he painted multi-coloured flowers also as a remembrance of his mother.
Robert Alexis said Patrick would mostly watch those two pictures in admiration and remembrance of his late mother.On the first day of the exhibition, the Seychellois audience noticed that Patrick would mostly come and stand between the two paintings while people take his photo.
All of the paintings in the exhibition are on sale but Patrick’s favourite two are not for sale. The exhibition will be open until December3,2021.
Asked why Patrick signs his work as EA instead of PA, his cousin explained that because he is usually elated when he meets and greets new people with the sound ‘Eee’ thisis the reason why he has chosen to sign his paintings in that manner.
Most of the artists and non-artists present who talked to Seychelles NATION saidPatrick is a sheer exceptionallocal talent for somebody who has autism.
Local art collector Gafoor Yakub Chaka said “this young man has been able to illustrate his emotions through colours.Many people with autism think in a more visual way. I think with the right approach, children on the autistic spectrum can benefit from art activities.”
Famous local artist Nigel Henri said “Patrick’s creativity shows new artistic elements that I as an artist never believed it would come from someone who is autism. His work is from his inside emotion and the colours are very precisely placed. Looking at the paintings you can see and feel his emotions. They speak for themselves.”
“I am really impressed. Partick has been able to bring out his inner emotions in a positive and colourful way and also in a happy way. His paintings are not depressing but instead very happy. You go in there and you feel happy. To remember his mother as a colourful flower, this is something imaginativeand special for someone like him,” said Seychelles art collector Serge Robert.
Patrick was born in Beirut, Lebanon on June 13, 1986. He grew up in Lebanon and returned to Seychelles in 1999. He attended the School for the Exceptional child at Roche Caïman.
Robert Alexis said Patrick is learning fast and greatly improving his life skills for independent living. The exhibition is the beginning of his art career as he has the intention to continue perfecting his skills and art craft to strive for excellence in his artistic expression, to further surprise his audience.
Patrick Joubert