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Anglican Diocese |02 November 2021

Anglican Diocese

Four ordained as Deacons during All Saints Service


Hughes Cedras, Dodley Fitch, Gerard Adams and Jonah Andriamalala were yesterday ordained into the office of Deacons by the Most Reverend Dr James Wong Yin Song, Diocesan Bishop of Seychelles, during the service of All Saints, at St Paul’s Cathedral.

The four Deacons, all of whom have served God and their faith over the years have all successfully completed the Fellowship of Vocation (FOV) programme, and taken the relevant oaths of allegiance to God, the oath of canonical obedience to the Diocesan Bishop and the Diocesan Synod.

The four were presented and made their declarations. When time for the ordination prayer, they knelt before the Bishop who prayed over them. They were then presented with a New Testament Bible by Archbishop French Chang-Him, who also vested them with the Deacon’s stole.

They were also presented with presents from Bishop Wong and family, the diocese, St Paul’s Cathedral, and from the other Anglican parishes around the country including the Parish of Holy Saviour, St John’s Church, St Marie’s Church and St Georges Church.

Bishop Wong explained that their ordinance is not only relevant in the local context, but also internationally.

He said it is a sign that they have been called to serve God, and to encourage others to do the same.

“God has called you and you are convinced that he is calling you. A Deacon is called to serve God not only as an individual, but to serve God in a community, and to serve God’s people. Their service is not limited to the location where they are placed, but they are to serve the whole diocese and have been called to serve the whole world. You are called to grow in service to God and the people. God is always calling people to serve and he is still calling people today,” he said.

“Be men of prayer. Take time and remain in communion with God. It is only through this communion with God that all things that you do will come to fruition. Even when there seems to be no way, God will always make a way. Live the prayerful life and remain connected to the Holy Spirit who will equip you all strength to discharge your functions, and I’m sure with the prayers of the whole community, God will give you peace and prosperity,” Bishop Wong urged the newly ordained Deacons.

Deacons are called to work with the Bishop and the priests with whom they serve as heralds in Christ’s kingdom. They are to proclaim the gospel in word and deed, and are to serve the community in which they are set, bringing to the church the need and hopes of all the people. They are to work with fellow members in searching out the poor and the weak, the sick and lonely and those who are oppressed and powerless, so that the love of God may be made visible.

Furthermore, Deacons share a pastoral ministry of the Church and in leading God’s people in worship. They preach the Word and bring the needs of the world before the Church in intercession. They accompany those searching for faith and bring them to baptism, also assisting in the sacraments such as distributing communion, and ministering to the sick and housebound.

As explained by Bishop Wong, they are to seek nourishment from the scriptures, through studying them with God’s people that the whole Church may be equipped to live out the gospel in the world.

Gerard Adams is a Lay Reader at St John’s, Glacis. He was born in England and despite not being brought up in a religious home, he became a practicing Christian at University. While growing up, he went through a series of periods of faith followed by long periods of doubt and absence from organised religion. Following close mentorship by Archbishop Emeritus French, he now feels called to be ordained to the Diaconate. He is 75 years old and retired after nearly 50 years teaching career in England, Zambia and Seychelles. He enjoys reading and gardening. He will be a self-supporting Deacon.

Jonah Victoria Andriamalala was born on August 17, 1976 in Madagascar. He was working at the Indian Ocean Tuna (IOT) and is married to Yolande. He was a Lay Reader at St Paul’s Cathedral following his training in Fellowship of Vocation (FOV), after which he went to Uganda for his theological studies. He will be in full-time Ministry with the Diocese.

Hughes Ned Cedras was born in Kenya on April 4, 1965. He is trained in maritime engineering and is employed at IOT as a health and safety officer. He joined FOV in 2014 and was later commissioned as a Lay Reader attached to St Paul’s Cathedral. Hughes is married and has three children. He will be a self-supporting Deacon.

Dudley Alix Fitch was born on October 1973. He resides at Anse Aux Pins and currently works at Cable and Wireless as a commercial sales officer. He did his primary and secondary school at Les Mamelles. Dodley has been a Lay Reader for over fifteen years. His first mentor was Reverend Neville Marston. He has been attached to St Phillip’s La Misère and most recently St Mary’s. He has also led worship at St Agnes as well, an elderly home which was instrumental to his calling. He is single and his hobbies are watching football and reading. He will be a self-supporting Deacon.

Present for the service was First Lady Linda Ramkalawan, Speaker of the National Assembly Roger Mancienne, leader of government business Bernard Georges and Minister Patricia Francourt.

The accompanying photos show some highlights of the ordination ceremony.


Laura Pillay

Photos by Thomas Meriton

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