Miss Beryl Tirant |28 October 2021

Miss Beryl Tirant, a graduate from the National Institute of Education (NIE) joined the teaching profession in 2006 after obtaining a Diploma in secondary education from January 2004 to December 2005. Following her Diploma, she was posted at Mont Fleuri in April 2006.
Miss Beryl left for overseas training to Australia in February 2007. In January 2009 she obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Education secondary, majoring in English with Edith Cowan University. Upon completion of training, Miss Beryl was posted at Anse Royale secondary teaching English.
In 2010 Miss Beryl acquired training in School-based Assessment in English as a second language with the University of Cambridge. The training empowered her to undertake assessment of candidates’ Coursework for IGCSE in accordance with CIE (Cambridge International Examinations).
Miss Beryl remained at Anse Royale secondary until December 2017.
Because of health issues, Miss Beryl was transferred to Mont Fleuri secondary in January 2018. In February 2019 Miss Beryl expressed the wish to take up the post of Librarian as she felt she could not continue in teaching. She was medically boarded on February 1, 2020.
Miss Beryl sadly left us on August 20, 2021.
The Ministry of Education expresses its condolences to Miss Beryl’s family.
The Ministry also thanks Miss Beryl for her years of service with the Ministry of Education.