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World Safety Day 2021 |20 October 2021

World Safety Day 2021

Personal protective equipment (PPE) in the workplace


Personal protective equipment, commonly referred to as ‘PPE’, are equipment worn to minimise exposure to hazards that cause serious workplace injuries and illnesses.

These injuries and illnesses may result from contact with chemical, radiological, physical, electrical, mechanical, or other workplace hazards.

Personal protective equipment will protect its user against any physical harm or hazards that the workplace environment may present. It is important because it exists as a preventative measure for industries that are known to be more hazardous, like manufacturing and construction.

Three reasons we use PPE in our workplace:

• It keeps you from being liable for your own injuries.

• It safeguards the health and well-being of the workers.

• PPE increases the quality of your workday.

It is to be noted that employers of the different workplaces must provide and made available recommended PPE for their employees.

Employees must be advised by the employer, encouraged and know that it is recommended for the safe use of PPE.

As an employee, you should be fully educated on which equipment is required of which tasks, and what it is meant to protect.

Remember, “injury from a failure to use PPE is a worst-case scenario”.


Contributed by the Seychelles Federation of Workers Union                      

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