International Day of Peace 2021 |22 September 2021

Handover of the donation at the Red Cross headquarters (Photo contributed)
IDPC marks occasion with tree-planting, donation and food-drive
The International Day of Peace Committee (IDPC) kicked off its celebrations of the International Day of Peace, observed on September 21, yesterday morning with a tree-planting activity.
The tree-planting at Freedom Square was among three key activities organised by the International Day of Peace Committee yesterday.
Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Agriculture Flavien Joubert and Katherine Mancham, wife of the late President James R. Mancham, were among some of the guests who had the opportunity to plant 21 coconut saplings at the Freedom Square yesterday.
The tree-planting activity was also attended by the chief executive of the Citizens Engagement Platform Seychelles (Ceps) and deputy commissioner of police Ron Bonnelame.
The International Day of Peace Committee comprises organisations such as the Universal Peace Federation Seychelles (UPFS), Zanfan Losean EZ, University of Seychelles’ James R. Mancham Peace and Diplomacy Research Institute and Women in Action and Solidarity (Waso).
“On the occasion of Peace Day, let us reflect as a nation on how we can continue to live in peace with one another and also with nature. This will help us to continue in creating a peaceful Seychelles and more prosperity,” stated Minister Joubert.
Minister Joubert further commended the International Day of Peace Committee and Zanfan Losean EZ Association for this initiative which they started off together since last year, adding that it is great to see more greenery in Victoria.
The initiative to plant coconut saplings in Victoria was started some years ago by the Zanfan Losean EZ Association in collaboration with the Mayor’s Office.
“The members of the Zanfan Losean EZ consider us as warriors against climate change to help bring solutions to what is affecting the climate. Seychelles needs to keep on planting more trees and recycle 100%. This activity is on our annual calendar and we hope to add more activities before the end of the year,” stated Japhet Dailoo, chairman of the Zanfan Losean EZ.
Following the tree planting at Freedom Square, the International Day of Peace Committee moved to the headquarters of the Red Cross at Providence where it donated some food items, clothes and money.
Prior to the donation, the committee had held a food-drive at the STC Hypermarket to collect food baskets to go towards the donation to Red Cross.
It also hosted a symposium at the University of Seychelles to further engage youths in discussions surrounding peace in the country and in the world.
“It is unfortunate that we were unable to hold our annual Peace March once again due to the pandemic but we have been able to host the tree-planting activity, present Red Cross with a small donation and a symposium at the University of Seychelles in the afternoon for the Youth Peace Club based at the Youth Hostel,” explained Diana Benoit, chairperson of the committee and director of the James R. Mancham Peace and Diplomacy Research Institute.
Elsie Pointe