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Phillip Sham-Hong claims Sals’ Class of 2020 President’s Cup |04 September 2021

Phillip Sham-Hong claims Sals’ Class of 2020 President’s Cup

Phillip Sham-Hong, President’s Cup Award recipient

Phillip Sham-Hong is the President’s Cup Award recipient, from the 70-strong School of Advanced Level Studies (Sals) 2020 cohort.

Sham-Hong, who graduated from the Class of 2020, was presented the award for excelling both in his studies, and other activities organised by the school. He was described as being of a pleasant disposition, outgoing, well-mannered, and ready and willing to offer assistance to anyone who asks.

As the awardee, Phillip received a Cup and laptop sponsored by the Office of the President, as well as a scholarship from the Agency for Human Resource Development (ANHRD).

The cohort, who earned the institution a 100 percent pass rate in their respective A-level study programmes, sat external examinations in 2020 in ten subjects, namely, Biology, Geography, Chemistry, Computer Science, English Language, French, History, Literature in English, Mathematics and Physics. They officially graduated in a virtual ceremony held yesterday afternoon.

During the ceremony, Sarojini Murugan was awarded Overall Best Academic Performer, earning her the Minister’s Cup, a shield, as well as an Academic Excellence Award, for having achieved best overall results in Cambridge A Level examinations in Sals. The Minister’s Cup recipient was also recognised as Best Performer in all three science-based subjects – A-Level Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

Prisca Adeline clinched Second Best Academic Performer, while Covenant Olawale was awarded Third Best Academic Performer.

As for the awards for best performers across different subjects, Isabella Gappy was named as best performer in Geography, while Sophie Bouchereau won for Computer Science. Lisa Albest was awarded for English language, while Shamira Bastienne won best performer for French. Keera Philo made best performer for History, Hamiela Marie for Literature in English, and Sebastien Edmond in Mathematics.

In his address, Principal Lester Omondi highlighted the instrumental role the institution plays in preparing students for further studies, and providing the country with the required professionals in different fields.

“Over the few years, results have improved, owing to different policies and measures put in place. In 2018, grade C and above were at 52 percent, with 93 percent pass. In 2019, 55 percent, with 94 percent pass, and in 2020, 69 percent with 100 percent pass, a record attained by the school for the first time,” he said.

“It must be known that the 2020 cohort was the first group to attempt the A- Level subjects, following the phasing out of eight subjects in 2018. As you may be aware, in 2018, Sals also adopted the staged route Cambridge International Examinations. As a matter of fact, this cohort has been the second to undertake the Cambridge International Assessment Stage Route. It is pleasing to know that this change has helped to raise the percentage of grade ‘C’s or better from 55 to 69 percent. This remarkable feat is attributed to the relentless efforts of the students and high dedication of the staff. All this was obtained despite Covid-19 which threatened and still threatens to delay our envisioned progress,” Mr Omondi stated.

The institution leader went on to speak about the values and strengths of the institution, in line with its five-year strategic plan (2020-2025). He also thanked all stakeholders for their support.

Addressing the graduates, he congratulated them on making history, and for fighting resiliently towards their goals.

“Thank you. As you march out today, you leave us with fond and beautiful memories, and even though extra-curricular activities were restricted in 2020, you managed to uplift the school. We will forever be indebted to you, as you gave us a rare but positive experience, and at no time were you shaken by the impacts of Covid-19. Your group has proven that discipline is key for any successful venture,” Mr Omondi added.

Of the 70 graduates, 30 students have been automatically granted a government scholarship.

The Minister for Education, Justin Valentin, principal secretary for Education Services Odile de Comarmond, Sals’ board members, staff, as well as parents of the students attended the ceremony virtually.

Several students from the cohort have already started their university study programmes.

The ceremony was Sals’ fourteenth ceremony as an institution.


Laura Pillay

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