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177 learners graduate in SIT’s first ever virtual ceremony Louisa Lafortune takes home the President’s Cup |22 August 2021

177 learners graduate in SIT’s first ever virtual ceremony         Louisa Lafortune takes home the President’s Cup

Louisa Lafortune, President’s Cup winner

The major challenge for the Seychelles Institute of Technology (SIT) has been to remain operational and to establish and maintain communications with and between lecturers and learners, due to the persistent community transmission of the Covid-19.

Director Hubert Barbé made the statement yesterday during the 16th graduation ceremony of the SIT where 177 graduates were accredited after successfully completing training in their respective programmes of studies at certificate, advanced certificate and diploma level.

For the first time in the professional centre’s history, the graduation ceremony was held virtually in two parts.

During the first part held in the morning, 82 students received their certificates after successfully completing the apprenticeship programme and also full-time courses in painting and decorating, while the afternoon session was dedicated for students who successfully completed their studies at advanced certificate and national diploma level.

Louisa Lafortune, who graduated with a National Diploma in Motor Vehicle Engineering, was the grand winner of the most coveted award which is the President’s Cup and a laptop computer for her good academic performance, exemplary behaviour, attendance and active participation in the extra curricular activities (ECA).

Other best performers were also awarded for their efforts and good performances in their respective programmes which included Advanced Certificate in Electrical and Electronics, Electrical Installation, Masonry, Mechanical Engineering, Motor Vehicle Mechanics, Plumbing, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning and also National Diploma in Construction Industry, Mechanical Engineering, Motor Vehicle Engineering and Information System Engineering.

Mr Barbé said in spite of the ongoing crisis, the SIT had to continue to provide services to the public, while suspending the face-to-face classes for several weeks.

He explained that this virtual appearance is also allowing the SIT to reach its international Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) partners, sharing with them its challenges and experience during this pandemic.

Mr Barbé added that 2020 is the year which will mark the time when global disruptions and lockdowns happened together and which also set the scene for TVET institutions like SIT to get creative and innovative.

“It was a wake-up call for professional centres like SIT to explore and put into practice new approaches in teaching and learning,” he said.

He explained that new innovative ideas in teaching and learning were being explored to make up for the loss in time of training, thus blended learning, online learning, distance learning had become the common terms between educators and trainers.

Mr Barbé further noted that as many institutions in TVET grappled with the switch to online or blended learning, the SIT saw itself struggling to have the necessary infra-structure and capacity to implement Learning Management System (LMS) to do exactly just that.

Another important element of the TVET programmes greatly affected by the pandemic had been the work-based experience (WBE) for the learners.

Mr Barbé also noted that to ensure that the shift to distance and online learning in TVET both meet immediate learning needs and prepare the SIT for more effective TVET and skill systems in the future, the professional centre will need significant support with modern equipment, improved internet infrastructure, adequate qualified trainers and support in expanding access for learners to online digital application and platforms and last but not least, improved collaboration and assistance from all organisations, both governmental and private.

He firstly thanked the SIT governing board for its commitment and guidance and also the SIT teaching and support staff members for their roles and devotions to imparting knowledge and skills to the learners.  

There were also words of thanks for the all the business organisations and individuals who continued to accept learners on work-based experience despite the difficulties they had to face during the pandemic, as well as the continuous and loyal sponsors.

“Our special thank you and gratitude also go to the organisations which have provided and are continuing to provide work placements to the SIT learners,” added Mr Barbé, who also extended sincere appreciation and thanks to the government of Seychelles for its unfailing commitment and investment in the education and training of its youth and all citizens, as well as the Ministry of Education for the necessary support and assistance to the on-going transformation of SIT.

Graduate Anichia Ernesta read the votes of thanks on behalf of her colleagues.

The accompanying photographs show some of the best performers in their respective programmes.




The SIT 2020 Hall of Fame


Advanced Certificate in Electrical Installation – Aaron Uzice

Advanced Certificate in Electrical and Electronics – Joel Adeline

Advanced Certificate in Masonry – Antoine Tirant

Advanced Certificate in Mechanical Engineering – Cedric Ah-Time

Advanced Certificate in Motor Vehicle Mechanics – Jean-Yves Antoine

Advanced Certificate in Plumbing – Aaron Cedras

Advanced Certificate in Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning – Stan Esther

National Diploma in Construction Industry – Geoff Waye-Hive

National Diploma in Mechanical Engineering – Daniel Bacco

National Diploma in Motor Vehicle Engineering – Louisa Lafortune

National Diploma in Information System Engineering – Dannio Denousse

Outstanding Performer (Certificate Programme) – Rajmaël Fideria

Outstanding Performer (Advanced Certificate Level) – Aaron Cedras


Roland Duval

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