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DBS donates to the Grand Anse Praslin Home for the Elderly |22 August 2021

DBS donates to the Grand Anse Praslin Home for the Elderly

The handover of the donation

Playing an active role in the fight against the ongoing Covid-pandemic, the Development Bank of Seychelles recently donated a batch of supplies to the Grand Anse Praslin Home in the attempt to mitigate the spread of the virus locally.

As part of the bank’s corporate social responsibility, senior credit officer on Praslin for the Development Bank of Seychelles (DBS), Josepha Payet, handed over the supplies including wall-mount thermometers, hand sanitisers, gloves and face masks worth R10,000, to Cindy Jean who is responsible for the home.

Present to witness the handover were the residents and staff members of the home, along with DBS representatives.

It is to note that the DBS adopted the Praslin Home for the Elderly early in 2018.

Accepting the donation, Mrs Jean thanked the DBS for the gesture and for being very generous, especially during this pandemic where the main promotion is towards the safeguarding of residents’ health.

She said the residents are very happy and prayed for continuous health, while assuring the bank which has been giving assistance since 2018 that the items will be put to good use.

On behalf of the DBS, Ms Payet reassured the continuous commitment, as well as the close relationship between the bank and the residents.

She urged the residents to make good use of the supplies in protecting themselves and fellow occupants against the deadly virus.

The DBS was created in 1977 as a joint venture between the government and other shareholders namely Caisse Française de Cooperation, European Investment Bank, DEG, Standard Chartered Bank and Barclays Bank.

During the years, some shareholders namely Barclays Bank and DEG disengaged themselves in the DBS.

Overtime, the shares of Standard Chartered Bank were taken over by Nouvobanq.

It bought back Barclays’ share and government purchased the shares of DEG, hence, increasing its shareholding to 60.50%.

The bank also takes its corporate social responsibility towards society very seriously and continues to support activities and events which are socially acceptable and ethically driven and beneficial to the community.


Roland Duval


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