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Seychelles ambassador Joseph Nourrice appointed deputy executive secretary for corporate affairs of SADC |20 August 2018




Seychelles’ ambassador Joseph Nourrice is the new deputy executive secretary for corporate affairs in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) secretariat. 
He was sworn in on Saturday in Winhoek, Namibia before the Chief Justice of the Republic of Namibia, His Lordship Peter Shivute.

Present to witness the ceremony was President Danny Faure, who was in Namibia attending the 38th SADC Summit of Heads of State and Governments.

The appointment of Ambassador Nourrice took place following the recommendation of the SADC Council in August 2018 in Windhoek, Namibia. Ambassador Nourrice was among other candidates who followed an interview process on May 29, 2018 in Gaborone, Botswana where the panel comprised the Double Troika Members, namely South Africa, Namibia, Eswatini, Angola, Zambia and Tanzania.

The interviews were based on four competencies, namely leadership, professionalism (strategic and political thinking), working with people and effective communication, whereby he scored very well in all four criteria.

Thanking the Summit after it had approved the appointment of Ambassador Nourrice, President Faure said:

“We note with much humility the importance that this task to serve SADC through the secretariat, entails. I am both confident and reassured that the vast leadership qualities and experience that Mr Nourrice possesses and has performed under my administration, shall support, strengthen and push SADC endeavours to the next level.”

The President further thanked Emilie Musho-Bekwa who has held this post for the last eight years. “Indeed, there lies a footprint of growth that you leave our organisation with. It is our wish as SADC, to further elevate this, as we together progress on our common path of regional integration.”

Ambassador Nourrice has work experience spanning over the past forty years and has covered both social and economic sectors.

He served as resident high commissioner to the Republic of South Africa and non-resident ambassador to Botswana, Mozambique, Namibia, Angola, Comesa as well as designate ambassador to SADC.  

Ambassador Nourrice has also served as ambassador to the African Union with residence in Addis and, most recently, as Seychelles ambassador to Havana. Ambassador Nourrice is married with three children.




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