Mont Fleuri secondary school teachers reassured by President Faure’s words of encouragement |23 November 2017
President Faure during his meeting with the teachers
Teachers of the Mont Fleuri secondary school have welcomed the support received from President Danny Faure who addressed the students during the school’s assembly yesterday morning and later met the teachers (see lead story on front page).
Tanyitiku M. Bayee, a French language teacher from Cameroun who is also a parent, said the president through his address has succeeded in reaching out to and touch the heart of parents, pupils and teachers.
“I was really touched by his words. I never imagined I would witness something like that because where I come from I have never seen a president speak like a friend and like a father. I believe that his address will bring a lot of changes in the students taking into account the way they have given him their attention. They have shown great interest in what he was saying, something I have not yet seen much in them since I have been at the school. They were really intrigued especially when he talked about his own son who is presently an S4 student. He really touched them in some way and this is very good and I am very happy and I really feel reassured and more confident after hearing the president speak,” Ms Bayee said.
For his part Bernard Jolicoeur, a science teacher, said he really appreciated the fact that President Faure had made time to visit the school, to address the students and meet the teachers.
“His presence here today reassured us and it shows his commitment to see real change not only at Mont Fleuri secondary school but in all schools in general. His address to the students was really touching and he emphasized the living values that we at the school preach to the students every day.
Among the most important values to help any student who wants to move on and succeed in life is respect. The President also stressed on the need for the students to have a greater sense of duty and responsibility toward their studies to improve their grades,” Mr Jolicoeur said.
He went on to add that the students’ grades being not as good as they were in the past, the teachers, the Ministry of Education and the country as a whole want to see the grades improve and if the school environment is not conducive teachers will not be able to teach and learning will not take place and the President has touched on that.
“I really appreciate the emphasis the President has placed on respect for all by the students and I believe it was a strong message that will bring changes in the students and the programme he has announced in relation to discipline will bring about the kind of changes we want,” Mr Jolicoeur said.
Rose Mary Violette, the headteacher of the school, said President Faure’s visit was a true honour and they feel more reassured as he has shown that he values the teachers and the teaching profession.
“He really reassured us, gave a boost to our confidence and shown us that we are not alone in whatever happens. He talked a lot about discipline, a big problem in all schools especially when teachers are trying to teach and students are not attentive but prefer to do their own thing. I am happy that the President talked strongly on that and I believe if as announced actions with regard to discipline are really taken, something on which I have no doubt the President will keep his word, it will really be a great help to the teachers and will improve the teaching environment greatly allowing teachers to deliver better thus improving students grades,” Mrs Violette said.
Also with regard to discipline Mrs Violette said parents will have to be more responsible toward their children’s education as good living values start at home and parents will no longer be able to blame the school for their children’s bad behaviour,” Mrs Violette added.
She expressed the hope that both students and parents reflect deeply on President Faure’s words.
With regard to the teachers’ closed door meeting with President Faure, Mrs Violette said it was an opportunity for them to air their concerns on numerous issues, share some suggestions on the best way forward for the school.