SLTA to construct truck aprons round two roundabouts |20 July 2017
The Seychelles Land Transport Agency (SLTA) will construct truck aprons at the central circles of two roundabouts. One at the Bicentenary Monument in the centre of Victoria near the Independence House and the other at the Unity Monument at Le Chantier.
“The purpose of these truck aprons is to facilitate the movement of large vehicles such as long trucks, trailers, buses etc. to manoeuvre safely around these roundabouts,” said SLTA’s chief executive Mr Herath.
The wheels of these large vehicles, he said, can go over part of the central circle if necessary to help manoeuvering.
“It is similar to what we did at the Roche Caiman roundabout last year,” he explained.
The truck aprons will be at the central circles of the Bicentenary (photo top) and Unity monuments in town