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Interview with swimmer Alexus Laird |01 September 2016

‘My aspiration is to win medals at the Commonwealth and Olympic Games’


The 2016 Rio Olympics Games have only recently come to an end and in total ten Seychellois athletes represented our nation with pride and passion.

The athletes recently returned to the country after their experience at the games, but the only one who did not make it back to Seychelles is swimmer Alexus Laird, who in fact resides in the United States of America.

Sports Nation recently got in touch with the young swimmer who was one of Seychelles’ stand-out performers at the 2015 Indian Ocean Island Games in Reunion and pocketed a cash prize of R227,000 from a performance of three gold medals in the 50m, 100m and 200m backstroke, two silver and two bronze at the games.

In this interview our readers will get to know a little bit more about Laird who aspires to win medals at the Commonwealth and Olympic Games.


Sports Nation: What made you decide to swim for Seychelles?


Alexus Laird: First, I wanted to become closer to my family here in the Seychelles as I grew up in the States with my father. When the opportunity presented itself, I felt I could see my family more and follow my dreams of being an elite level athlete. Secondly, I feel that I can be a bigger help inspiring young kids in the Seychelles than I could ever have done in the USA.


Sports Nation: How did it feel to swim in your very first Olympic Games?


Alexus Laird: It felt simply amazing. I was very disappointed with the outcome of my swim and my goals were for better results, but having the experience to compete in the Olympic Games was unforgettable.


Sports Nation: How did you find the Olympics and Seychelles' performance there?

Alexus Laird: I think everyone did their best and put their best foot forward in achieving the results they were capable of. I think everyone prepared well and were very focused for their competition.


Sports Nation: How did your interest in swimming begin?


Alexus Laird: At the young age of five I began taking swimming lessons and my step mom and father believed it was a good sport for me to get involved in, as water safety is important. Over the years I was very stubborn in staying focused in swimming. I always swam but I was not the hardest worker, until my first year of university swimming when I was 18. I met a coach who taught me many life lessons and made a mark on my life. Since then, swimming has been a big passion in my life.


Sports Nation: Who would you say is your inspiration and why?


Alexus Laird: I cannot say just one person. My family and friends inspire me every day. The people I surround myself with are in fact a direct reflection of who I am. My step mother is hard working and determined. My grandparents are rational and reliable. My family here in the Seychelles are loving and supportive. My best friend Lizzie is ambitious and diligent at any task. So all these people, and many more, directly influence my life and I'm honoured to take even a tiny bit of who they are with me.


Sports Nation: Do you see yourself swimming for Seychelles in another four years ahead at the 2020 games?


Alexus Laird: Yes, I do. I still have so much I want to accomplish and I am ready to put in the hard work to get there!


Sports Nation: Is there anything else you wish to add?


Alexus Laird: I graduated in December with my university degree with a Bachelor of Science in Business with a double major with Accounting and Finance. I would like to tell everyone I'm arriving in Seychelles September 15. I have aspirations of medalling in the Commonwealth Games and at the Olympics and I am going to do everything in my power to reach this level. I am looking into moving out of the USA where I am currently training to a high performance facility.


Interview conducted by S. N.




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