Mont Buxton Family Action Team launched |16 July 2016
A new association has been launched to help out families who are in need and to complement the work of the social department.
The launch ceremony of the Family Action Team of Mont Buxton took place earlier this month at the Mont Buxton community centre.
The association was launched by the Minister for Social Affairs, Community Development and Sports Vincent Meriton followed by the unveiling of the logo and banner by the chairperson Linda Philoé.
Various individuals and organisations presented the newly formed association with little tokens to prove their support.
The donations included t-shirts with the team’s logo from Maryse Albert, 10 sewing machines from the chair of Women in Partnership Against Poverty (Wipap) Marie-Nella Azemia, a cheque for R5,000 from Friends of Mont Buxton chairman Jude Commetant and an undisclosed amount of cash from Gervais Henrie.
Minister Meriton said there are various projects underway in the district but these tangible objects are not the most important in the community.
“It is the way that we work with children, relationships between human beings, relationships between parents, relationships between parents and children and between children themselves. These can make us appreciate good moments of peace in life,” he said.
He thanked Ms Philoé along with the other parents for this initiative and sharing their stories as means of finding ways to help others and eradicate the social issues between Seychellois families.
Mrs Philoé said the objective of the association is to empower parents and give them the knowledge and capacity for them to be able to stand on their own, so that they do not need to depend on the social affairs department.
“As a parent I stand for all parents, as a mother I stand for all our children and as a woman I stand for all women as well as men who are vulnerable. And as a chairperson I stand for this association to make a difference, one which is solid and one which will work with other associates to find solutions together. We will support all homes, all marriages, single parents and children side by side with the ministry of social affairs, district authority and other partners such as Ceps (Citizens Engagement Platform) who supported us and helped us see the light,” said Ms Philoé.
The association already has 12 parents involved.
She said she is proud to have a motivated team who is ready for this endeavour.
R. H.