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Elderly live up to their motto |08 July 2016

The senior citizens of Seychelles are really living up to their motto ‘Senior Citizens on the Move’. These old people have been organising and getting involved in various activities all over Mahé, Praslin and La Digue.

This was revealed by chairperson Jeanne d’Arc Jerry during the Association of Senior Citizens of Seychelles’ annual general meeting and election of a new executive committee yesterday at Harbour Lights restaurant, Maison du Peuple (see separate story).

Mrs Jerry stressed on the need for all members to remain on the move because according to her if they do not move they will remain static. And when static it is not easy to get on the move again.

As of January this year, the association held their chairperson meeting, visited and brought their support to members who have asked them to.

In February they continued with their visit but unfortunately a ‘western afternoon’ where members would sing country and western music was postponed for reasons beyond their control. But it will be held before December and Mrs Jerry asked members to get prepared to perform.

In March they took part in the Way of the Cross which forms part of their annual spiritual activity. She said it was a big success. Then they organised an event for Women’s Day in the same month where they visited the National Assembly.

The AGM, which was supposed to be held in April, was held yesterday while ‘Bal Lizour’, also programmed for April, will also be held soon.

Also on the agenda an activity is being organised to recognise the old citizens who took part in the Independence Day Parade where for the first time there were two platoons of them.

In May an exchange visit to their colleagues on the Inner Islands was planned but unfortunately they could not make it. But their representative did go and discussed various issues with their counterparts over there.

In June as mentioned earlier, the old citizens took part in the 40th Anniversary of Independence Day and National Day parade at Stad Linite.

Apart from the parade, some old citizen clubs took part in the project ‘Lakaz Roza’ with the aim of revamping that house. She urged all members to watch TV and listen to the news as the project will officially start very soon.

The old citizens also took part in an environment project at the Botanical Gardens, Mont Fleuri, where they showed how they used water in the old days like from water sources, ‘ladal’ and rivers.

As for the month of July, yesterday they held their AGM and election.

They also took part in the launch of the book entitled ‘300 Questions’ where she said the old citizens were given the first row of seats at the event. She said they were all very well appreciated and each one present got a copy of the book.

Mrs Jerry also informed members that the clubs have been invited to take part in an Inter Generation meet at Ile Perseverance on July 9.

Then they will hold their ‘Piknik Popiler’ on July 29 at the Port Launay beach, which she said will be available to them only.  Old people living in homes have been invited.

On August 7 they will revive their activity between clubs. One such activity was held at Takamaka where Mrs Jerry said they were very well received. She announced there are seven clubs which have already confirmed their involvement.

On August 25, they will have an excursion round Mahé and they are being helped with transportation by the Ministry of Social Affairs, Community Development and Sports.

She said this is a preferred activity by the old citizens as it is a chance for them to get away from home for a while.

She described it as an opportune moment for them to discover the recent developments that have taken place in the country as they do not get the chance to experience them if they stay in their homes.

This excursion will end at the Biodiversity Centre at Barbarons. After touring the garden, there will be a quiz based on what they would have seen and been told at the centre. A prize will be given to the winner.

Their annual seminar will be held in September as well as a beach sports day to be organised by the National Sports Council.

The International Day for Old Citizens is in October and activities will be organised and members will be informed.

There will also be district activities at national level for the Festival Kreol. Last year they took part in the Laserenad and will do it again if the activity is organised.

“Senior citizens are always on the move. If there is such activity, we will be there,” she said.

In November there will be a Seniors’ Exhibition Open Day and a sports day at the NSC.

And in December they will hold their Christmas carols show. They have already been invited to some places to sing.

The year will end with the end-of-year gathering being organised for the different clubs.




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