STC hypermarket and Bois de Rose complex to open October 2 |18 September 2015
A new shopping experience! This is what the much-hyped Seychelles Trading Company hypermarket will offer its clients.
The STC hypermarket is situated inside the Bois de Rose complex which is set to open on the October 2 at 3pm.
What is in stock for you?
“It’s a surprise,” said Seychelles Trading Company (STC) chief executive Veronique Laporte.
Ms Laporte and the Société Seychelloise D’Investissement Limited (SSI) chief executive Jacquelin Dugasse spoke to the local media yesterday to give more details about the Bois de Rose complex and the new STC hypermarket.
“The STC hypermarket will be three and half times bigger than the one in Victoria and we will be offering a different kind of shopping experience to all. We will have more and new items on sale at affordable prices. There will be a bigger variety of products offered and our team has worked really hard to put everything in place,” remarked Ms Laporte.
She also said every month there will be a specific brand promotion. “STC imports its goods but we are also partnering with local suppliers to cater for local vegetables, fruits, meat and other commodities,” added Ms Laporte.
The two chief executives also gave details of the structure of the building and how things will work out.
“There are some surprises. One of them is the creation of a café which will offer healthy food inside the hypermarket. The Gift shop vis-à-vis the Docklands will be closed and everything will be available at the hypermarket,” said Ms. Laporte who added that people of all walks of life will be able to find something in the hypermarket.
Does this mean the STC supermarket in Victoria will close doors? “No not at all. But at the end of November we will close for two and a half weeks for renovation works,” she stressed.
The new hypermarket will employ 152 workers out of which 98 are new staff and Ms Laporte is urging people to keep applying for jobs as there are still some vacancies left to be filled.
Established in 2008, the SSI is a company wholly owned by the government of Seychelles and one of its primary roles is to guide the strategy and oversee the performance and objectives of all government-owned commercial parastatals and agencies.
“SSI’s mission and vision is to undertake investments in order to support economic development and growth so as to maximise returns for the government which is the major shareholder in these commercial parastatals. The two main objectives of the company are to be the investment vehicle for the government of Seychelles in key strategic sectors; and to operate as the holding company for all commercial ventures of the Seychelles government,” explained Mr Dugasse.
After the two previous developers faced financial difficulties, the Bois de Rose complex was bought by the government through the SSI at a cost of R160 million.
“Now that the first part of the project has been completed and with the opening of the STC hypermarket, 15 other businesses will open their doors. Thirteen of these businesses are fully owned by Seychellois. We have received lots of demand for space rental and in the second phase of the project we will be able to cater for more businesses,” added Mr Dugasse.
The Bois de Rose complex will be open from Monday to Saturday from 9am to 8pm and on Sundays and public holidays from 9am to 5pm.
How to get there?
Once the complex is open, there will be a paid shuttle service from the main bus station in Victoria every hour and there will also be a taxi bay. The parking space can hold 125 cars.
As of 3pm on October 2, the general public will be able to discover this new complex.