Inconclusive test on skull found in Bel Ombre |18 September 2015
Nothing conclusive has come out of the test done on the skull sent to Mauritius for analysis purposes, the police have said.
In a communiqué received from the police yesterday, it is written that the report received by the Commissioner of Police from the Mauritius Forensic Science Laboratory said insufficient DNA was recovered from teeth samples hence no DNA profile was obtained.
It added that analysis was done using routine processing procedures and now it is required that the samples be further processed using more specific methods in order to maximise the chance of generating a DNA profile.
Finally, the Mauritius Forensic Science Laboratory has informed the Commissioner of Police that the now required test will take another month and the final report will be issued when all analysis and interpretation are completed.
The skull was unearthed in mid-May in the compound of the newly opened H Resort by a landscape worker.