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Archive -Jeux des Iles de l'Ocean Indien

Ninth Indian Ocean Island Games – Reunion |10 August 2015

2019 awaits amidst uncertainty of host country


The 2015 Indian Ocean Island Games were brought to a close yesterday at the Stade Paul Julius Bernard in Reunion where the IOIG flag was handed over to a representative of the Comoros although it is uncertain if they will indeed be the ones hosting the games.

The ceremony saw the athletes enter the stadium in a unified march, led at the front by each country’s flag bearer, where Andrique Allisop carried the flag for Seychelles.

It was after the closing ceremony that the International Games Committee (Cij) president, Phillipe Ha Shun Hao Thyn Voon revealed that he cannot say who will host the 2019 games, adding that they will need more time in order to confirm whether Comoros will be able to host the games and if not they will have to look for another host country.

The International Island Games Council (Coji) president, Thierry Grimaud, said in his speech that the next four years will be all about fixing and even rebuilding relationship between the Indian Ocean nations.

The games have been marred by various incidents which caused Comoros to pull out, while Reunion’s female volleyball team decided not to continue in the competition and were later disqualified after one of their players was disqualified. There were other issues of a diplomatic nature.

He urged those responsible to fix their relation for the good of the games, so that in 2019 the games can once again be about friendship and respect.

It was Mr Ha Shun Hao Thyn Voon who officially closed the games and gave the Indian Ocean rendez-vous for 2019.

The ceremony concluded with a musical concert.



Text Sedrick Nicette in Reunion

Photos Patrick Joubert in Reunion







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