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Seychelles Polytechnic graduation-Valerie Gabriel clinches President’s Cup |08 April 2011

Seychelles Polytechnic graduation-Valerie Gabriel clinches President’s Cup

She received the cup from President James Michel in the presence of Education, Valerie Gabriel receives the President’s Cup from Mr MichelEmployment and Human Resources Minister Macsuzy Mondon and Minister for Social Development and Culture Bernard Shamlaye.

Education and Employment principal secretaries Merida Delcy and Marina Confait, as well as members of the National Assembly, high government officials and the Seychelles Polytechnic director Joan Amade were also present.

Seven best performer awards were also presented at the ceremony, held at the University of Seychelles’ theatre at Anse Royale.

From the Business Studies programme area, the Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT) shield went to Tira Simeon.

Ricardo Suzette got the award for outstanding student for the Advanced Diploma in Business Studies and Accounting and the award for Office Management and Administration went to Anuchka Loizeau.

Crissy Tamboo got the outstanding award for Diploma in Business Studies and Accounting.

Andria Moumou got an award for best performance in Advanced Diploma Business Studies in Accounting and Lysa Tirant for Diploma in Office Management and Administration.

The Diploma in Business Studies and Accounting award went to Lisa Sinon.

From the Visual Arts programme area, the Visual Arts Award went to Gina Vidot and special design year 3 award to Delorette Onezime.

The best performer award in Fine Art went to Antoine Monnaie and Gretel Adeline got the award for Fashion Design.

Catherine D’Offay received the Textile Design Award and Gina Vidot was adjudged best performer for Graphics Design.

Out of a total of 200 students who graduated yesterday, the largest number of 153 were from Business Studies and 47 from Visual Arts.

Seychelles Nation will come back on yesterday’s graduation ceremony in its next issue.

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