President names changes in senior government posts |02 September 2009
Except where otherwise indicated, the following new appointments take effect immediately:
Minister for Foreign Affairs Patrick Pillay has announced his retirement from his role as cabinet minister, as of September 15. The President will assume the portfolio for foreign affairs until a new appointment is made.
Mr Michel thanked Mr Pillay for his loyal and dedicated service to the Republic, saying: “We all know how hard Minister Pillay has worked for his country, and I am confident he will continue to be Seychelles’ foremost advocate and ambassador in whatever he decides to do in the future.”
Also in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a rotation of several embassy postings has been announced.
Ambassador Noellie Alexander has been recalled from Pretoria, where she was high commissioner to South Africa, as she has announced her retirement.
Principal secretary for foreign affairs Joseph Nourrice has been nominated by the President as Seychelles’ high commissioner to South Africa and ambassador to the Southern African Development Community, the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa and the African Union, with residence in Pretoria, subject to approval by the National Assembly.
The new principal secretary for foreign affairs will be Barry Faure, now ambassador to the European Union. He is expected to be in post in October.
Vivianne Fock-Tave has been nominated by the President as Seychelles’ ambassador to the EU, with residence in Brussels, also subject to confirmation by the National Assembly.
In the Ministry of Finance, a new post of principal secretary for industries has been created, to enhance business creation and development, and Marise Berlouis has been named for the role. The portfolio responsibility for industries has thus been transferred to this ministry from the Ministry of National Development.
In the Ministry of Health and Social Development, Daniella Larue has been appointed the new chief executive of the Health Services Agency.
Jacqueline Pierre has been appointed chief executive of the Social Welfare Agency, and the post of principal secretary for social development has been taken up by Linda William, formerly CEO of the Social Welfare Agency.
In the Ministry of Employment and Human Resources Development, principal secretary Jean Raguin has resigned from his post and is replaced by Marina Confait, formerly chief executive of the National Human Resources Development Council (NHRDC). Ms Confait will, however, retain portfolio oversight of human resources development and will chair the council.
The new chief executive of the NHRDC is Christian Cafrine, currently technical adviser in the Ministry of Education.
And the new CEO of the Seychelles Institute of Management (SIM) is Anne Lafortune, formerly principal secretary for social development. She replaces Daniella Larue.
In the Ministry of Community Development, Youth, Sports and Culture, chief executive of the National Arts Council Emmanuel d’Offay has resigned to join the private sector. He will be replaced by Jacqueline Moustache-Belle, formerly radio programme manager at the Seychelles Broadcasting Corporation (SBC).
The managing director of the SBC, Ibrahim Afif, has resigned from this post and also as a member of the board of the SBC. The President has appointed Antoine Onezime as the new managing director and member of the board as of October 1.
The Office of the President has also announced that the government will move towards setting up a Seychelles Media Commission, which will be an independent regulatory body that will oversee, promote and protect media activities in the country.
The President has mandated Mr Afif to make the necessary preparations to set up the commission, including a review of legislation where necessary.
Mr Michel has congratulated all the new appointees and wished them all the best in their work ahead. He has also thanked those retiring or moving on to other challenges for their dedication and service to the nation.
In a recent interview with the SBC, he highlighted the importance of mobility of top civil servants. He noted that a rotation of posts is in keeping with the principle of a professional and dynamic civil service which is at the service of the nation.