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Stay sober when driving and live |20 December 2008

Stay sober when driving and live

These become a concern because of a single factor – drinking and driving.

Conscious of this, the Land Transport Division (LTD) has published the flier carried inside today which graphically shows what could happen to us and our vehicles this very Christmas and New Year season if we mix alcohol and driving.

We may think we can manage but many who had that opinion don’t have any now –because they died in road traffic accidents, taking with them some of their beloved ones and maiming others for life.

LTD has given very practical pieces of advice like using taxis, buses or relying on sober drivers if we drink, or simply not drinking if we need to drive.

The police have already increased their presence on the roads and are checking our breath for alcohol.

Being caught and prosecuted for drunken driving will have costs we would rather avoid, but more importantly, let every one of us who is driving stay sober and live to enjoy the rest of the season and years ahead with our families and friends.

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