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Boxing: Youth competition at Takamaka-Crowd cheers young pugilists |07 November 2007

Boxing: Youth competition at Takamaka-Crowd cheers young pugilists

For the second time in two weeks, the young boxers, who are training with coaches Jerry Pictured here in action against Ralph Ernesta, Stan Nicette (right) won a unanimous 3-0 decision against Robert Albert for his fifth consecutive winLegras, Rival Payet and Roland Raforme – themselves former Seychelles greats – as well as Hansel Larue, were in action and they travelled to the south of Mahe, precisely to Takamaka.

With the ring set up on the district’s court and a very good and vocal crowd to cheer them on, the boxers did not disappoint.
Hailing from Takamaka, Yannick Moustache set the tone on the night in a mis-match, catching not a 100% fit Arrol Santache with a flurry of punches to force the referee to stop the 48-kg bout midway through the second round.
“I decided to go out and hit him hard in the second round,” said 14-year-old Moustache.

Fighting in the 51-kg category, Stan Nicette was the second winner on the night, landing vicious body shots to win a unanimous 3-0 decision against Robert Albert for his second victory in a fortnight.

“The fight was OK. This is my fifth win in as many bouts and I want to win a gold medal in the CJSOI competition,” 15-year-old Nicette told Sports Nation.

After edging Richie Hoareau 2-1 in the 48-kg category in his last fight, Andrique Allisop moved up a category last Saturday and he proved that he can box against bigger opponents. After three rounds of two minutes each, Allisop was declared the winner on a 2-1 score against Ralph Ernesta.

Allisop, 14, said that “my fight was OK and I thought Ralph had more in store for me as he is a more experienced boxer than me.”

A secondary five student of Anse Royale, Collin Samson gave a good account of himself much to the delight of his home crowd, catching David Alphonse with some solid blows on the way to a 2-1 win in his 57-kg bout.

The 16-year-old said that “my opponent (Alphonse) is strong. It wasn’t an easy fight as I had to give my very best.”

The last bout of the night was between Graham Dogley and Chris Marimba in the 75-kg division. With good punching power, the two met at ring centre and threw leather in the second and third rounds after having used the first to understand each other’s fighting techniques.

In the end, Dogley, who won 3-0 against Riggie Onezia on his debut, took a second consecutive victory on the same score.
“It was a much easier fight than I expected,” said Dogley who is to turn 15 on November 11.

It is to note that before Saturday’s loss, Marimba had won by Referee Stopped Contest (RSC) against Kevin Laurette whose coach Roland Raforme threw in the towel midway through the second round as the referee had already made three counts of eight – two in the first round and one in the second.

Also on the night, Michel Télémaque won by walk-over against Hosni Dingwall in the 48-kg category and Hervé Joubert was declared the 57-kg winner as Jones David did not turn up.

Another 48-kg bout between Samuel Agathine and Ryan Alice was called off by the organisers because of a weight issue.
The boxers received cash prizes and medals presented by Takamaka’s Member of the National Assembly Terrence Mondon.

The next time the young boxers will be in action before the CJSOI competition is on Saturday November 24 at Beau Vallon and local boxing fans can expect to see Seychellois ladies throw punches. Watch Out!!!

The 2007 boxing season is to officially come to a close with a last competition on December 21 at Victoria Gymnasium.

G. G.

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