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Promotion of moral values-Government values role of religious organisations |03 December 2005

Promotion of moral values-Government values role of religious organisations

Members of a Christian group in a drama at the Children’s Playground where speakers strongly discouraged the use of harmful substances

The Head of State acknowledged the part the different organisations are playing when he delivered his Budget Address on Wednesday.

“I should like to express the government’s appreciation for the most important role that religious organisations play in the promotion of spiritual and moral values in our society. 

“Our society faces major challenges in the form of drug and alcohol abuse and the spread of HIV/Aids.  These are challenges that require the common and concerted efforts of government, the churches and the whole of society,” he said, when he proposed that R2 million is provided as a contribution to religious organisations, to assist in the construction and renovation of certain churches.  

President Michel, who delivered the budget in his capacity as the Minister for Finance, also proposed R170 million under centralised payments to cater for a number of activities and in support of national organisations.

“We are increasingly conscious of the importance of disaster preparedness. An allocation of R1 million has been made to the National Disaster Secretariat.  A new allocation of R2million is proposed for the Football Federation and R3.5 million for the Concessionary Credit Unit,” President Michel said.



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