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Long serving police officers recognised |26 September 2005

Antoine Belmont receives his certificate from Vice-President Belmont for his 40 years of service with the force        Antoine Samson receives his certificate from Vice-President Belmont for his 40 years of service with the force

Certificates marking 10, 20, 30 and 40 years service were handed out in a ceremony at the Pointe Larue Police Academy, which brought together some of the country's longest serving police men and women.

88 certificates were distributed on Friday; 29 for 10 years service, 17 for 20 years service, 40 for 30 years service and two to officers who had reached the milestone of 40 years.

The two officers with four decades service in the force, Antoine Belmont and Antoine P. Samson were handed their certificates and congratulated by the Vice-President.

With Police Commissioner Andre Quilindo in Germany attending an Interpol meeting, the ceremony was opened by the Acting Commissioner of Police, Antoine Belmont, who expressed his, "heartfelt appreciation and gratitude," for the work the officers have done.

He called them an inspiration and example to the rest of the police force and said that they all have one thing in common; "when people are in crisis they are the first to come to their aid."

The idea behind the certificate presentation was initiated by the special adviser to the commissioner, Antoine Lautee, who said that it was part of the process of bringing staff recognition up to modern standards.

He also said that it may be incorporated into next year's budget in order to give the long serving officers some financial recognition for their service.

Officers whose length of service falls between the eligible brackets are to receive certificates from their commanding officers.

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