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Santosh Marray elected as new Anglican Church Bishop |21 February 2005

Santosh Marray elected as new Anglican Church Bishop

Bishop-elect Santosh Marray

Reverend Marray is currently the rector of a church in Florida and is expected to be ordained here on April 3 by Archbishop Rabinera Remie of Madagascar who oversees churches in the Anglican province of the Indian Ocean.

It was Bishop Ian Ernest of Mauritius who presided over the elections in which the 23-member electoral committee cast their ballots behind closed doors to choose between three priests.

“There were three candidates, the other two being Canon Bryan Adeline, a Seychellois based in Mauritius and South African Canon Oswald Swartz, all of whom have appeared before the 23-member electoral committee,” church chancellor Bernard Georges said.

"They had a chance to interview each of them earlier on issues like whether they favour the ordination of women, same sex marriages and the marriage in church of divorcees," he said.

Georges said Marray believes divorcees can remarry in church, but after careful scrutiny of their behaviour.

He told Nation that the bishop-elect does not condone same sex marriages but believes in the ordination of women priests.

After the elections, Bishop Ernest immediately called the bishop-elect on telephone and said that Marray is keen to come over to Seychelles.

Although Marray speaks English only, the administrator of the Anglican church, Reverend Danny Elizabeth, said that the bishop-elect had expressed confidence that he will be able to learn Creole fast, and that language will not be a barrier to his work as bishop.

“We expect the church will benefit from his experience and studies in spirituality,” Reverend Elizabeth told Nation.

Bishop Ernest said that the 47-year-old Marray, who is married with two children aged 18 and 21, started his work career in 1975 as a school teacher in Guyana, South America where he was born.

“He worked as chaplain to hospitals and the defence forces before being appointed assistant priest, rural dean and rector of a parish in the Bahamas.

“He is currently the rector of a church in Jacksonville, Florida, USA, and is currently completing his studies in Canon Law at Cardiff University.


“He is also about to complete a Masters programme in Sacred Theology and Christian Spirituality in New York,” the Bishop said, adding that Marray also holds Bahamian nationality.

Bishop Ernest asked the church members and Seychellois to grant the bishop-elect their support and cooperation, and to pray for him and the work Bishop Chang Him has done during his 25 years as Bishop and 20 as deacon and priest.

Bishop Ernest earlier presided over a mass and prayers which started at 10.00 a.m. and culminated in the elections which were concluded in the afternoon.

Bishop Marray will become Seychelles third Bishop of the Anglican Church.

 Bishop Ernest conducting mass and prayers on Saturday prior to the elections Bishop Ernest conducting mass and prayers on Saturday prior to the elections

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