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MLGCA empowers districts to develop innovative community-based programmes |05 March 2024

MLGCA empowers districts to develop innovative community-based programmes

Group discussions during the workshop

In a bid to enhance community engagement and address national needs effectively, the Ministry of Local Government and Community Affairs recently organised a comprehensive workshop for district administration teams across Mahé, Praslin and La Digue.

The event, held on Monday, February 26, 2024, brought together district administrators, office managers, and office assistants from all 27 districts.

The workshop's central theme revolved around elevating community-based programmes to better align with the aspirations of district residents.

Kevin Perine, principal secretary for Local Government and Community Affairs, stressed the importance of moving beyond conventional activities, such as luncheons and recognition awards, to more impactful initiatives.

“We want our programmes to elevate to the next level which are community-driven,” Mr Perine underscored.

The Minister for Local Government and Community Affairs, Rose-Marie Hoareau, in her opening remarks, called upon district administrators and their teams to collaborate closely with communities in developing these innovative programmes.

During the practical sessions, participants enthusiastically brainstormed and proposed a range of initiatives aimed at addressing challenges in their respective districts and fostering community development.

Suggested programmes included literacy sessions for individuals with limited literacy skills, initiatives targeting drug users, support programmes for vulnerable groups such as orphans, and empowerment programmes for youths, such as a fishing club and cultural activities.

NGOs and community members are also being encouraged to submit their ideas for citizen-led community programmes.

Meanwhile, in the afternoon, session focused on finalising the National Addressing System. Francis Lebon, principal secretary for Trade, delivered a presentation on the system's implementation as district administrations are tasked with mapping roads within their districts for the development of the National Addressing System.

The workshop concluded on a high note, with participants expressing optimism and commitment to implementing the proposed programmes.



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