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‘Elles Foundation will remain on course in 2024’ |04 January 2024

‘Elles Foundation will remain on course in 2024’

In November 2023, Elles Foundation celebrated its first year of actively addressing issues surrounding sexual and reproductive health in Seychelles, including an escalation in teenage pregnancies. Throughout the year, the NGO conducted workshops in schools, advocating for a change in law/policy around access to contraception, and participated in various local and international forums. Additionally, the foundation hosted the ‘Stay and Play’ project.

Tragically, in May 2023, the death of a three-year-old girl, a victim of alleged abuse, deeply affected the community, forcing the foundation and its followers to take to the streets to denounce all forms of abuse. Despite challenges, Elles Foundation thrived in 2023; the grouping premiered its documentary, ‘Manman Avan Ler’, at Deepam Cinema, and hosted an exhibition titled ‘Mon ti tro zenn’, at Kenwyn House, featuring portraits and stories of teenage mothers. The year ended on a challenging note with widespread poverty and difficult living conditions in the community, prompting the foundation and its volunteers to assist those affected in shelters and other areas.

For founder, Lorea Rassool, the plan in 2024 is to remain on course, advocating for sexual and reproductive health, and extending the ‘Stay and Play’ project from Perseverance to Roche Caiman.

“We want to make sure that Elles Foundation continues to work for the benefit of the youth and children of Seychelles. We strongly believe it is only by working together that we will make changes, and build a better tomorrow,” said Mrs Rassool.

“On behalf of Elles Foundation, I want to wish you all a beautiful New Year 2024, full of love, health, peace and happiness. As we know the end of the year 2023 has been difficult for many families and we want to let them know they are not alone.”


Sunny Esparon


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