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Seychelles Breweries Foundation donates equipment to SABVI |22 September 2023

Seychelles Breweries Foundation donates equipment to SABVI

A souvenir photograph after the handover of the equipment

The Seychelles Breweries Foundation has donated a batch of equipment worth R300,000 to the Seychelles Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired (SABVI).

The handover of the donation took place yesterday afternoon at The Domus, the Catholic priests’ residence.

The equipment comprise a Juliet embosser, 6 Hark Readers and 6 BlindShell smart phones.

On behalf of SABVI, chairperson Brigitte Lablache expressed her gratitude to Seychelles Breweries Foundation for the generous donations.

“These equipment, especially the Juliet embosser, will help us transcribe printed documents into Braille and as for the Hark Readers they will help us read any printed material such as books newspapers and other important documents,” Ms Lablache noted.

She also said that the BlindShell phones will change the lives of many visually impaired where they will become more independent and make their own phone calls, use whatsapp, emails and many others.

Ms Lablache said that they are overjoyed because it is the first time they receive such important pieces of equipment.

Speaking for Seychelles Breweries Foundation, Mary Anne Ernesta, who is the corporate relations manager, said that it is a great pleasure to present these equipment to SABVI.

“Through the project SABVI submitted to the foundation last year, we have recognised that these requested equipment would help the community of the visually impaired whereby they could live as any other sighted person. The Seychelles Breweries Foundation usually offers tenders for such projects but the recipient must present a solid offer.

“I would like to announce that since September tender for offers are open for projects and the deadline is in October. We are encouraging non-governmental organisations and civil societies to apply for funding under the Seychelles Breweries Foundation.”

Speaking to Seychelles NATION Ms Ernesta said that Seychelles Breweries is a company that is responsible and it is important to give back to the community as it is the people who use their products. She also noted that projects such as these are important because through their donation they are able to change the lives of many people.

Rosabela Hoareau, who is also a member of SABVI, gave brief explanations of the purpose of each piece of equipment and how they function.


Text & photo by Neil Sirame

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