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SeyCCAT’s blue grants fund |25 April 2022

Up to R2 million offered to project ideas that support marine protected areas


The Seychelles Conservation and Climate Adaptation Trust has launched the sixth call for proposals under the blue grants fund and interested applicants are invited to submit their project proposals before June 6, 2022, using the online portal at

This year, the blue grants fund (BGF) 6 is accepting applications from projects that support marine protected areas under the Strategic Objective 1 of the Seychelles Conservation and Climate Adaptation Trust (SeyCCAT) charter: Support new and existing marine and coastal protected areas and sustainable use zones.

In 2022, the BGF 6 is seeking to disburse approximately R24 million to impactful and innovative local projects that help advance the blue economy, conservation, and climate adaptation agendas in Seychelles. The BGF offers small (up to R100,000), medium (up to R1 million), and large grants (up to R2 million). 

Any citizen of Seychelles, locally registered non-governmental organisations (NGO) or CSO, businesses, parastatal organisations, government agencies or departments may submit a proposal if they have legally existed and operated in Seychelles for a minimum of one year. The deadline for concept notes for the sixth BGF call is June 6, 2022. 

Mumtaz Hasan, SeyCCAT’s grants manager said: “We are thrilled to enter the sixth year of the BGF and support Seychelles’ marine protected areas. This is an important agenda, and we will work with BGF applicants to build strong proposals that can benefit MPAs. We hope to see many research proposals and feasibility studies that can help us better understand the needs of MPAs and help advance their sustainable use. As always, we offer lots of training opportunities and 1-on-1 support to interested applicants.”

Ms Hasan has encouraged Seychelles’ community to reach out to the SeyCCAT team for more information at


Blue business grant 

In 2022, SeyCCAT continues offering the blue business grant in partnership with the Trois Frères distillery, a well-established Seychellois business. The blue business grant offers up to R150,000 to for-profit projects and can be used as start-up capital for a brand-new blue business idea.

Additionally, the successful applicant will receive business mentorship from the management of the distillery.

Blue business grant applications should support the Strategic Objective 5 of SeyCCAT: Trial and nurture business models to secure the sustainable development of Seychelles’ blue economy.

Full details about SeyCCAT, the application process, and the specific request for proposals can be found online at Reach us at and follow us on Facebook and Instagram at SeyCCAT for updates. 



Press release from SeyCCAT




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