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Seychelles and China’s audit institutions formalise cooperation |27 March 2021

Seychelles and China’s audit institutions formalise cooperation

AG, DAG and senior management of OAG (Source: OAG)

The Office of the Auditor General (OAG) of Seychelles and the National Audit Office (CNAO) of the People’s Republic of China have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for improving bilateral co-operation between the two supreme audit institutions (SAI) in a more formal and organised manner.

CNAO is one of the largest SAIs in the world and a leader in several areas of public sector auditing with a full-fledged training and professional development center offering international courses.

The MoU with CNAO will pave the way for the two SAIs to co-operate in advancing the public sector auditing in the respective countries, particularly, through:

  • exchange of information, experiences and best practices on public sector auditing procedure and methodology including audit realisation issues through trainings and study visits; and
  • training for the improvement of professional standards of audit personnel.

The MoU also provides for co-operation in other areas in the field of public sector auditing in accordance with the objective of this memorandum of understanding, to be jointly decided upon by the two participants.

In view of the continuing health and travel restrictions, Auditor General Gamini Herath on behalf of SAI Seychelles and Auditor General Hou Kai on behalf of SAI China, signed the document virtually on Zoom platform. The signing was also witnessed by Seychelles ambassador to China, Vivianne Fock-Tave  and the Chinese ambassador to Seychelles, Guo Wei, in addition to the senior management of the respective SAIs .

This is the first of a series of MoUs that OAG Seychelles will be signing with a number of SAIs in different countries in furthering its bilateral co-operation in the field of public auditing.

The accompanying photographs show the signing ceremony in progress.

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