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Chinese embassy contributes to ‘Open Business Safely’ project |16 March 2021

Chinese embassy contributes to ‘Open Business Safely’ project

A sample of the ‘Open Business Safely’ label

The embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Seychelles has generously provided a donation of R100,000 towards the ‘Open Business Safely’ project by the Seychelles Chambers of Commerce and Industry (SCCI), the Public Health Authority (PHA) and the Enterprise Seychelles Agency (ESA).

In the joint teamwork between PHA, SCCI and ESA, new mechanisms are now in place for businesses to be certified as safe to open.

The donation was used to procure 4,000 ‘Open Business Safely’ labels that retail outlets will display on their premises to communicate that they have successfully completed a certification process according to public health guidelines.

The funds were also used in the production of two public health advisory videos in a campaign targeted towards the business community.

Support from the embassy comes after a request from SCCI to push for the Reopening Strategy of the private sector.

The donation by the People’s Republic of China displays the continued support towards the Republic of Seychelles’ and our efforts to successfully regain economic strength. More importantly it commemorates the long mutual relationship between the two countries.

The PHA, SCCI and ESA extend their gratitude to the Chinese ambassador to Seychelles, Guo Wei, for her generosity and support towards this programme. We further wish to recognise the contribution of the following private sector representatives;

  • Michael Arnephy, for designing the sticker;
  • Connect Call Centre, for assisting with manning the Hotline; and
  • Print It Pty Ltd, for printing the stickers.

This achievement is another demonstration of the successful work between public and private sector.


Joint press release from the SCCI, PHA and ESA


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