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DRDM secures R9.843m budget after Assembly gets clarity on its mandate, role, function |13 March 2021

Members of the National Assembly yesterday afternoon resumed its scrutiny of the R9.843m budget allocated to the Department of Risk and Disaster Management (DRDM) after this was postponed earlier this week due to lack of clarity with regard to its mandate, role and functions.

Yesterday afternoon Assembly members followed a detailed presentation on the DRDM made by its principal disaster management officer Daniel Cetoupe following which the minister responsible for the department, Errol Fonsecka and its principal secretary Paul Labaleine together with Mr Cetoupe answered other questions that members raised in relation to the work of the department.

Following yet more questions, some members were of the view that the DRDM still has a lot to do to explain to the public its mandate, role and function in order to clear all the misunderstanding about what it can and cannot do even after so many years that it has been in existence.


Budget for autonomous entities under the Ministry of Education approved

Members of the National Assembly also approved the budget for different autonomous entities that fall under the portfolio of the Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development.

These were a sum of R7.974 million for the Seychelles Qualifications Authority (SQA), a sum of R2.942 million for the Tertiary Education Commission, a sum of R8.868 million for the Institute of Early Childhood Development (IECD) and a sum of R315.465 million for the Agency for National Human Resource Development (ANHRD).


Assembly expresses deep regret over the death of Dr Steve Fanny

On learning the tragic death of Dr Steve Fanny, the leaders in the National Assembly have expressed their regret over the great loss for the country.

“Dr Fanny was one of our children who was an expert in his field. It is a very sad thing to hear of his death and I hope he will be remembered for all the good things he has done. His sudden death shows us that we always need to make the most of our lives and do as many good things as we can,” the leader of the opposition Sebastien Pillay said.

For his part the leader of government business Bernard Georges said Dr Fanny will be remembered for his intelligence and his understanding of the different pieces of legislation related to the financial sector and the way he presented them for Assembly members’ understanding.

“He was a young man full of life, dynamism and vigour and extremely intelligent,” Mr Georges said.

“He was a friend and he will always be remembered for his friendly interactions with Assembly members and secretariat staff,” deputy Speaker Gervais Henrie pointed out.

The Assembly will continue its scrutiny of the different budget allocations next week.


Marie-Anne Lepathy


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