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Covid-19 vaccination campaign Change in appointment date does not affect vaccine efficiency |10 February 2021

In a bid to speed up completion of the vaccination course among the population, the Ministry of Health has moved appointment dates to administer the second dose of the Sinopharm vaccine a few days earlier.

While individuals who have already received the first dose of the Sinopharm vaccines expected this second phase of the campaign to begin on Sunday February 7, they were instead invited to take the final dose as of Friday February 5.

Many have questioned this change in the schedule expressing concerns over the effect this would have over the efficiency of the vaccines.

Speaking during an interview on Monday February 8, 2021, Dr Sanjeev Pugazhendhi, a medical officer, explained that the change in appointment date to give the second dose of the vaccine does not have a negative impact on the efficiency of the vaccine.

“Based on the information that we have from the manufacturer of the Sinopharm vaccines, the minimum interval at which the second dose of the vaccine can be given is two weeks,” Dr Sanjeev said.

He further explained that the ideal interval is at least 3 to 4 weeks and that the new dates fall within an acceptable timeline to give the vaccine for maximum efficiency as there ought to be at least a break of 21 days between both doses of the vaccine.

While research on the different dosing intervals for the various types of Covid-19 vaccines continue, the Ministry of Health considers moving up of the dates a strategic step, given the pandemic and its impact on the country.

“Considering that there is an outbreak in the country, we have moved the interval between doses for Sinopharm to 3 weeks to give full protection to the people a little earlier without compromising the efficacy of the vaccines,” Dr Sanjeev concluded.

The Ministry of Health is urging everyone who have received the first dose of the Sinopharm vaccines to go for their second dose. Getting the second injection is crucial to ensuring that vaccination is effective. Members of the public can go to the vaccination centre where they received the first dose according to the schedule for vaccination.

Multiple positive cases of Covid-19 have been reported in Seychelles since the first in March 2020. The Ministry of Health estimates that at least 70% of the population needs to be vaccinated with both doses of the vaccines to help stop the spread of the virus.

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