SNYA approves two motions at last sitting for 2020 |15 December 2020

The 7th cohort in a souvenir photograph
The 17th cohort of the Seychelles National Youth Assembly (SNYA) approved two motions during its last sitting on Saturday December 12, 2020 at the STC conference room.
The first motion tabled by Lissa Diaz, proposed to the department of culture and other partners involved to consider the re-opening of the National Library which was closed in 2013 due to mould infestations. She also requested that upon reopening the library should have regular swab tests to ensure the mould situation is continuously being monitored and be refurbished and updated to provide topnotch facilities for the youth and public in general.
It was Nhelma Jacques who seconded this motion, arguing that it is not acceptable that the library has been closed for over five years and that the youth and culture departments should take a step in the right direction in reopening the centre that many young people considered a safe place to study and learn.
Miss Diaz very adamantly asked the assembly “how will we be able to attain our right to education if it is not being made available to us?”
The motion was approved after the majority of members voted for, while one member voted against and three abstained.
The second motion tabled by Leroy Pouponneau proposed to the Ministry of Health and other related partners to more strongly emphasise awareness and help given to the youth and the public in general when it comes to issues of mental health.
Mr Pouponneau explained to the assembly that the increasing percentage of young seychellois suffering from mental health issues is alarming and should be addressed urgently.
This motion was seconded by Dean Figaro who gave the assembly a brief explanation of the different mental illnesses that are affecting the youth and suggested a few courses of action the department of health, the youth and the people of Seychelles can take to improve the current mental health situation in Seychelles.
The motion received unanimous approval.
The speaker of the SNYA, Darius Petrousse, gave a vote of thanks, briefly stating the main setbacks and accomplishments of this cohort, before adjourning the assembly for this year.
In an interview Speaker Petrousse said that he wishes to extend the mandate of the SNYA. He also expressed his appreciation for the voice the assembly which has allowed the youth to air issues affecting them and their country.
“I would like to see an extension of our mandate because there have been many setbacks due to the Covid-19 pandemic which have prevented the assembly from completing many of the activities it had planned, for example visiting the children’s village. If given another year we could complete the work we have started,” he said
“We have gained much more visibility and slowly but surely our voices are being heard. That I truly appreciate and I ask the public in general to support the youth in addressing youth related issues because we are the future of Seychelles,” concluded Mr Petrousse.
Iza Amade