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Governor Abel dedicates Africa’s Woman Leaders Awards to CBS employees |14 December 2020

Governor Abel dedicates Africa’s Woman Leaders Awards to CBS employees

Governor Abel (Photo: Anel Robert)

The Central Bank of Seychelles (CBS) Governor, Caroline Abel, yesterday dedicated the Africa’s Woman Leaders Awards to the employees working alongside her to ensure that CBS delivers on its mandate to maintain domestic financial stability.

The award was remitted to Miss Abel as part of the Africa Leadership Awards, held on Tuesday December 8, 2020.

“I do not consider the award as my own, as I work in an institution, and I work alongside a group of persons, and the work that I do, is automatically not done by myself alone. For me, the award is representative of the whole CBS, what the CBS is bringing about in our country, and the work that we have done, has been recognised further than in Seychelles,” she said.

“I look at it through that viewpoint and I think that all CBS staff see themselves in it, because as I said last time, when I come to talk, today I brought Aaron, so you had the opportunity to see another face behind the CBS, and the capacity of CBS staff. And I turned towards him to answer certain questions and to explain certain things so I am here to ensure that CBS continues with its work, based on the guidance of the Board, and the work that we do, the majority of times, it is the Governor who talks about it, which is why I say that the prize is representative of CBS and the work that it will continue to deliver on, and I count on everyone that I work with to continue with the work, and it is not easy. Especially now during these difficult times, staff invest a lot of time, to come up with solutions to help the country move forward, so I thank them for that, which is why each time I host a press conference, I talk about them,” Governor Abel stated yesterday.


Laura Pillay

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