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Arid chairperson Lucianne Sofola’s message on the occasion of International Human Rights Day |10 December 2020

Arid chairperson Lucianne Sofola’s message on the occasion of International Human Rights Day

Lucianne Sofola

‘Let’s focus on the need to rebuild by ensuring human rights are central to all efforts’   


“On International Human Rights Day, the Association for Rights Information and Democracy is sending out a message to the government, employers and organisations to protect the most vulnerable assets, especially the migrant workers, from forced labour, abuse, sexual harassment, exploitation etc.  

“Human Rights Day which falls on December 10 reminds us of the day the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, translated in different languages to ensure that it reaches and is understood by all individuals. 

“On this day, we celebrate all our absolute rights and freedoms including right to decent living, to work, to health care, right to live free from all forms of discrimination and right to fight for your rights (not forgetting responsibilities) among others.  

“Despite the efforts to protect and defend human rights, the resentment toward human rights especially migrant workers' rights continues to rise in Seychelles. This year’s theme Recover Better – Stand Up for Human Rights’ advocates for everyone to stand up for their rights and for rights of others especially during this pandemic of Covid-19 which has changed our lives and introduced a ‘new normal’. For the migrant workers stuck in vulnerable situations, the Covid-19 catastrophe has worsened their conditions as more cases of forced labour and discrimination are reported. 
 “From December 1-9,2020 alone (nine days to-date), five cases of violations have been reported, these were mainly from the farming industry where workers are being abused. The people on the farms live in shacks or shelters that are way below standard and/or are otherwise unsuitable. There are also domestic workers who are being overworked with no time for themselves.  

“There are still many government officers in high positions and individuals in general who ignore human rights and grossly exploit other human beings.  

“Seychelles’ rating on the US Human Trafficking in 2020 TIPS Report has moved to tier 2 watch list which means there is still a lot of work needed in this area.  

“In conclusion, the Association for Rights Information and Democracy strongly condemns these individuals and companies involved in violations of human rights. We have been made to understand that employees, some at executive level, in government are accomplices to the violations and they do not adhere to Employment Act and Human Rights Convention of which we are party to.  

“The Association for Rights Information and Democracy also urges the employment and immigration departments and the government in general to be pro-active to prevent these cases. Law enforcement agencies including the police force and other entities must learn to uphold the value and principles of human rights.”

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