Message from ACCS chief executive May De Silva on the occasion of the United Nations International Anti-Corruption Day ‒ December 9 |09 December 2020
‘Real change starts with each of us everywhere’
“While attitudes about corruption are improving, the United Nations Anti-Corruption Day is a reminder to ALL of us that real change starts with EACH of us everywhere, including civil society, the private and public sectors. As we commemorate this day, let us remind ourselves that we aspire to live in a country where integrity and transparency become second nature. In this time of greatest need, it is crucial that we continue to build strong oversight, promote adequate transparency and good governance to manage our limited resources.
“There is no other choice here. As we always maintain, ‘corruption betrays public trust, drives the wrong behaviour and sends the wrong message to our populace, especially our youth’. While we spend much resource on prevention, let us clearly understand that we have no tolerance for perpetrators of crime and corruption, in all its forms, and that we will bring all the necessary resources to bear in our prosecution of violators.
“Equally important, today we celebrate the Anti-Corruption Day recognising those of us who are model citizens, who maintain and promote a good moral standing, who avoid temptations, and who inspire others to do the right thing. Again, we take this opportunity to recognise you on the special day!”
Press release from Anti-Corruption Commission Seychelles