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ISS launches first model United Nations chapter in Seychelles |07 November 2020

ISS launches first model United Nations chapter in Seychelles

ISS principal, Ashish Bhatnagar, launching the event

International School Seychelles (ISS) has launched a new student leadership and academic programme called ‘Model United Nations’ (MUN), a first in the country.

MUN is an educational simulation and academic activity in which students learn about diplomacy, international relations and about the United Nations.

It involves and teaches participants speaking, debating, negotiation, networking, and writing skills, in addition to critical thinking, teamwork, diplomacy and leadership abilities among other qualities.

MUN engages students and allows them to develop deeper understanding into current world issues. It is a simulation exercise that enables the students to also learn about the working of the United Nations while they will also get the possibility to each year join students – spanning different age groups from primary levels to university – from across the globe to partake in similar activities.

The ISS MUN, a first to be launched in the country, was officially declared operational by ISS principal, Ashish Bhatnagar, in a ceremony held on Thursday afternoon at the Eden Bleu Hotel, Eden Island.

The ceremony was attended by the secretary of state for Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Barry Faure; the principal secretary for Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary Education, Dr Odile de Comarmond; the principal secretary for Youth and Sports, Fabien Palmyre; members of the diplomatic corps; ISS board members, parents, students, among other guests.

During the ceremony, the ISS-MUN logo was also unveiled by ISS vice-principal Terence Françoise, Ayushi Sinhan and logo designer Preeti Nair.

Ms Nair said although the logo bears the ISS initials, the flag symbolises the school’s desire to spread the MUN spirit across to public and other private schools.

In his inaugural address, Mr Bhatnagar said that ISS is proud to have taken this initiative and be the pioneer in starting the MUN chapter in Seychelles.

He further said that the school will be glad to invite other learning institutions in the country to participate and be a part of ISS MUN.

He noted that ISS MUN mentors, along with the young ISS MUN members, under the leadership of Keya Patel as the new ISS MUN ambassador, will stand ready to establish MUN clubs at any place.

He thanked everyone who supported the students in launching the MUN at ISS.

The chairperson of ISS, Priscille Chetty, said that apart from the vision of embedding the MUN with the school’s extra-curriculum activities and engaging with other students across from other educational institutions (both private and public) to participate, looking beyond 2020 and the future, ISS hopes to take local MUN-chapter global thus giving young students, not just from ISS, an opportunity to host and to attend international conferences but hopefully also to pique their interest, shape their understanding of global issues so that they become youth advocates for matters that they are most passionate about, be it climate change, pollution, education, blue economy or social justice.

In explaining the modality of the MUN chapter, ISS MUN ambassador Keya Patel said students preparing to participate in MUN conferences are meant to conduct a lot of research and understand their country’s internal and foreign policies on the sub topic on the main agenda as well as drafting resolutions that can be later amended.

She noted that MUN is not about arguing about the nature of a question, proving research facts or standing up and defending a foreign policy agenda but providing solutions that every nation can use to solve causes and reduce their risks in uniting and maintaining international unity and strength.

She said that they would engage themselves in school’s debate as preparation for international MUN conferences.

In her closing remarks, the head of secondary at ISS, Elodie Valantina, said that working in partnership with other schools as the next phase of the ISS MUN journey, will achieve great things for Seychelles in terms of developing future leaders across schools who will contribute to the country as well as to the wider world.

She called on her other colleague members to build a better understanding of ISS MUN in Seychelles.

The audience also had the chance to follow a 30-minute simulation demo of a MUN moderate caucus in session performed by ISS MUN members representing different countries.

The simulation caucus focused on health issues in relation to the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.


Patrick Joubert

Photos: Anel Robert

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