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Updated list of countries from which visitors are permitted to enter Seychelles |22 October 2020

Ten new countries added


The department of Foreign Affairs has provided an updated list of countries from which visitors are permitted to enter Seychelles.

Changes to the current list are effective as of Monday October 19, 2020.

The updated list is as follows:

Australia                           Egypt                                    Liechtenstein                Portugal                            Vietnam

Austria                               Estonia                               Lithuania                          Qatar                                   Zimbabwe

Botswana                           Finland                               Malawi                               Rwanda    

Burundi                              Germany                           Malaysia                           Singapore                        

Cambodia                        Ghana                                 Mauritius                        South Africa                   

Canada                              Iceland                               Monaco                             South Korea                   

China                                   Ireland                               New Zealand                  Sri Lanka  

Côte d'Ivoire                   Italy                                      Niger                                    Sweden     

Cyprus                                Kenya                                  Norway                              Switzerland                    

Denmark                           Latvia                                  Pakistan                            Thailand   


The new countries that have been added to the current list are: Botswana, Burundi, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Niger, Rwanda, South Africa and Zimbabwe.

In addition to the above list, with effect from October 1, 2020, visitors from France, United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom are permitted to enter Seychelles subject to additional health security measures (details at and


Press release from the department of Foreign Affairs


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