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World Mental Health Day |10 October 2020

Putting the spotlight on mental health


World Mental Health Day is celebrated every year on October 10 to help raise awareness of mental health issues and to educate people about this topic. It is also hoped that by eliminating the stigma attached to mental health issues, people who need support will be more encouraged to do so.  

Seychelles NATION, in commemoration, spoke to a few locals to learn more about what they do to help improve their own mental wellbeing. Below are some of their inspiring quotes:

“Over the years, I have learned that investing time doing things that I love and which bring me happiness help a lot with my mental wellbeing. For example, I love to go for walks in nature, reading my favourite novels and listening to online audiobooks which serves as a form of active meditation for me. Doing the things I love bring me happiness, comfort and peace of mind and this in turn, gives me the strength to get through the more challenging times and prevents me from being irritable or unhappy.”

“I try my very best to live a healthy lifestyle then feeds back into my mental and emotional wellbeing. I choose not to smoke, to limit my alcohol consumption, take part in physical activities, get sufficient and quality sleep, and as much as possible I try to eat healthier foods as part of a balanced diet. These factors are said to influence our mental health. I can’t say I don’t enjoy a nice treat like most people, like a nice cheesy piece of pizza though! So I also think balance and moderation is key.”

“I never stop learning and finding ways to be creative. I ask myself what it is I am passionate about and find ways to continue to educate myself and develop my skills in something I love. It can be small or big, easy or more challenging, from trying out new recipes at home, to working on a DIY project, to partaking in short courses like learning a new language. I find this gives me a sense of purpose in my life.”

“Self-help material like books, worksheets and apps are, for me, a great way for me to learn more about mental health and to help address any issues I am facing, especially because it is always easily accessible via the internet now. There are so many books which talk about various mental health issues and also many which share advice on how we can improve our mental wellbeing. Apps like Headspace is an online healthcare company which specialises in meditation and where you can access guided meditations and practice mindfulness. It helps me relax and to let go of negativity in my mind.”

“I’m really happy that I don’t have the tendency to bottle things up inside. If I am going through anything difficult in my life, I talk about it with someone I trust. Just talking about feels relieving; it helps me feel that I am not alone and that I have support, it helps me with seeing things in a different way, in a different perspective, and I also get advice on things that I need help with. I think this quote by Maya Angelou sums it up nicely: ‘There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you’.”


F. P.

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