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International Day for Older Persons 2020 |01 October 2020

International Day for Older Persons 2020

Minister Larue

‘Pandemics, do they change how we address age and ageing?’


On the occasion of the International Day of Older Persons today, the Minister for Family Affairs Mitcy Larue has sent a message urging us to spend time with our elderly, love them and care for them because they are our strength.

The full text of Minister Larue’s message reads:

“International Day of Older Persons is observed every year on October 1. This day is celebrated in order to create awareness about the problems that impact elderly people and to do something for their welfare.

“It is all about sharing with the younger generation on the need to show respect to their elders because they have contributed immensely to our society. Show how much you care for the elders in your home, and in your community. Celebrate their existence and give them recognition especially this year, during the Covid-19 pandemic. Our elders have shown us how resilient they have been in the past when they have been faced with other epidemics and pandemics and they have come out strong.

“The International Day of Older Persons is also an opportunity for us to highlight the important contributions that older people have made and continue to make to society and raise awareness on the issues and challenges of the ageing phenomenon which is permeating in today’s world.

“We need to bring beautiful thoughts on respect for our elderly. We need to take into account that our elderly have always led the way, they have always held our hands, and they have always protected us, loved us and cared for us…. Now it is our turn to return the favour and make their old age a beautiful one. Without their love, care and affection, we wouldn’t have been the same.

“On this special day, let us thank our elders for giving us this beautiful life. Older people are fonts of wisdom, experience, and storytelling. They can inspire us to continue striving – or warn us of dangers we’re unaware of. We should look to them for guidance whenever and wherever possible. Unfortunately, far too often we tend to forget or, worse, downright ignore the older people in our lives. That’s one of many reasons why the International Day of Older Persons on October 1 is such an important day.

“The younger generation, do not forget the contribution our elders have made to your lives. Grow responsibly and always honour their love, time, efforts and affection by taking care of them when they need you the most. Let us thank God for giving us the protection and love of our elders. Let us spend time with them, love them and care for them because they are our strength.

“I wish all the elders in Seychelles, a blessed, happy, and delightful day.”


Mitcy Larue

Minister for Family Affairs

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