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Message by the Minister for Family Affairs Mitcy Larue on the occasion of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day – June 15 |15 June 2020

Message by the Minister for Family Affairs Mitcy Larue on the occasion of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day – June 15

Minister Larue

 ‘There is a need to plan for elderly persons’ needs’


“Today Seychelles joins the rest of the world to celebrate world elder abuse awareness day on June 15 every year. Seychelles is now considered an ageing population, and with the increasing growth in the number of older persons, there is a need to plan for their needs. Elder abuse is a global social issue which affects the health and human rights of millions of older persons and this is no exception in Seychelles.

“Many efforts have been done by the government, civil societies and private sector to ensure that the well-being of the elderly are respected. The efforts and work of these organisations ensure the well-being of the elderly and provide protection against elder abuse: organisation like the Association of Senior Citizens, Sisters of charity, National Council for the Elderly, department of local government, Association for the Disabled, North East Point Hospital and benefactors from private sectors – let your light shine.

“However, many elders are still faced with abuse. Elderly abuse is a violation of our basic human rights and is a violation of the Seychelles Constitutional rights. Nonetheless it is sad that this practice is happening here, in our homes and some institutions, the same place that the elders should be able to feel safe. For many years in Seychelles, elder abuse remained tabooed and hidden from public eyes. But this needs to change.

“The introduction of the helpline by the National Council for the Elderly has created a means of communication for many elderly persons. The helpline has been able to be the vehicle to report many complex and challenging cases. Thus the need to introduce mechanism to stop abuse and further provide awareness and education to families and caregivers.

“For the first quarter of 2020, twenty-six (26) cases of neglect, financial abuse and emotional/psychological abuse have been the leading reported cases of elder abuse. Elder abuse are social ills linked with family instabilities, domestic violence, substance abuse etc. Misinformation or ignorance of some ageing illness such as dementia (Alzheimer), diminishing of the functions of some (biological) systems increases psychological/emotional and physical abuse of our elderly persons. Nonetheless the means to treat our elders with dignity remains. Elder persons may be dependent but they are not children! They are adults/our parents with some specificities! We need to be mindful of our cultural and traditional values and revive the values of love, integrity, compassion, love for God, honesty and tolerance. We all need to play our role to ensure the well-being of our elders.”


Press release from the Ministry of Family Affairs














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