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Candle wax melts into a distinctively miraculous Virgin Mary Figure |25 May 2020

Candle wax melts into a distinctively miraculous Virgin Mary Figure

Tabernacle says the hidden Jesus

Pope Paul VI, encyclical on prayers during May for preservation of peace~ “… and their homes offers the Virgin mother more fervent and loving act of homage and veneration…”

For some time now I have been regularly reciting the Hail Mary and daily rosary in my private chapel.

“It is the month in which a greater abundance of God’s merciful gifts come down to us from our mother’s throne.”

During the last days of April, it seems that the above holds true for me. In my private chapel, there is a candleholder themed on the last supper; A single candle sits at the centre of a table, surrounded by the disciples with Jesus in the middle of them.

Candle wax from a burnt down candle has formed a figure that closely resembles the Virgin Mary: her hands clasped upwards prayerfully. Depending upon the angle from which one is gazing at it, the figure also seems to be holding something in her hands. It is bowing lovingly towards the object being held. In this instance i.e. referring to the figure resembling the Virgin Mary – she seems to be holding the infant Jesus with veneration and reverence.

In the wax representation, the outer garment i.e. the mantle on her right-hand side at the level of her right hand, covers the original figurine representing Jesus in the candle holder. What is even more striking, is that the wax figure of Mary covers Jesus and not the disciples. As a result, Jesus can no longer be seen. It has been hidden by the figure of Mary. Delving a little into the theology, the concept of Mary being the tabernacle of Jesus as promulgated by Pope Piux IX in 1854 comes to mind. In his dogmatic declaration of the Immaculate Conception B. Piux IX goes on to state; “The Temple of God in 1 King 8 represented a sanctified house of God which foreshadowed Mary as the future tabernacle of Jesus.” Thus, who says Tabernacle says the hidden Jesus.

Francisco of Fatima skipped school to adore the hidden Jesus in the Tabernacle. St Faustina in her diary “Divine mercy in my soul” makes mention of the hidden Jesus 5 times [1457].

Just as the wax figure of Mary seems to cover Jesus with her mantle, during the month of May it is good to ask her to pray and receive us under her mantle [prier pour nous pauvres pécheurs].

For me, it has all been a grace.

This experience has brought me an inner peace that words are lacking to describe, whenever I kneel down to pray in my chapel.

Jesus said to St Faustina: “Whenever a soul approaches me with trust, I fill it with such an abundance of grace that it cannot contain them within itself, she radiates those to other souls” ~ (diary 1074)

Hence my writing of this article; for me to share with others; with as many souls as possible, the grace that I have received.

Moreover, it is fitting to mention that numerous catholic saints and theologians also indicate that those who make the glories of our lady known in this life are certain of salvation in the next life. The 13th century French theologian, Richard of Saint Lawrence, stated that “our lady will honour in the next world those who honour her in this world. It is further worth mentioning how pleasing it is to God when one is devoted to the blessed Virgin Mary. St Faustina Diary 1388~  “During one time of prayer, I learned how pleasing to God was the soul of Father Andrasz. He is a true child of God. It is rare that divine sonship shines forth so clearly in a soul and this is because he has a special devotion to the mother of God.”

The wax figurine may not be as intricate; especially when compared to a hand carved object. It looks like melted wax, giving the afore said impression – but a beautiful impression it has given indeed…

Allow me here, to quote; when commissioned by Jesus to paint the image of the divine mercy Ste Faustina wept in disappointment and complained to Jesus “who will paint you as beautiful as you are?”

In answer he heard “Not in the beauty of colour, nor of the brush lies the greatness of this image, but in my grace.”(313)

Grace – Grace – Grace ……

To conclude, regarding the wax formation one is free to take it or refuse it as being “God’s merciful gift that has come down to us from our mother’s throne”.

To whoever opts for the former, I hope Hebrew 4:16 offers a source of inspiration:

“Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”



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