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‘Nurses are fundamental in the provision of safe, accessible and affordable care’ |12 May 2020

‘Nurses are fundamental in the provision of safe, accessible and affordable care’

“It is with mixed feelings that I am greeting all the nurses of Seychelles today.

“Each year nurses around the world under the direction of the International Council for Nurses (ICN) celebrate May 12 as the International Nurses Day which coincides with the anniversary of Florence Nightingale.

“The theme for 2020 is ‘Nurses: A Voice to LeadNursing the World to Health’. The theme demonstrates how nurses are central to addressing a wide range of health challenges. The celebration encourages nurses and the public to celebrate the big day, and it also provides information that help to raise the profile of the profession throughout the year and to attract a new generation into the nursing family.

“2020 is special because the Inernational Council of Nurses and World Health Organisation (WHO) have designated this year as the Year for the nurse and midwife. 2020 is the 200th anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale, the nursing pioneer. 2020 is also the 120th anniversary of the International Council of Nurses (ICN). We take a look at the founders of ICN who enforce how compassion, trust, person-centred care work alongside evidence, statistics and leadership are needed to create the modern nurse.

“This pronouncement by the UN body and ICN raises the exciting prospect of nurses being finally recognised for all the good that nurses do. The Nurses Association wants the voice of nursing to be heard in Seychelles and worlwide, to spread the word about our great profession and how it contributes to the wellbeing of the world. As carers, healers, educators, leaders and advocates, nurses are fundamental in the provision of safe, accessible and affordable care.

“The Nurses Assciation had planned a week long activities to celebrate this imoprtant date. This day offers an exciting opportunity to promote nursing across the world. 2020 has brought a global spotlight on nursing, and it asks of health professionals, politicians, policy officials, health systems and the public to celebrate, be inspired by and informed about nursing.

“Preparations had been made to introduce a Nursing Excellence in Practice Award for May 16. This event would have been the re-introduction of rewarding nurses for the excellent care and services provided to the clients or patients into all nursing components, be it in clinical, community, educational, research, management and leadership. The restrictions in lieu of the pandemic are caused for postponement of that event to 2021.

“Seychelles nurses have not been spared from the challenges of the pandemic. They have been involved at the peak of the crisis and at the same time ensuring that other services continue. 2020 provides the opportunity for a unique insight into the largest healthcare profession on the planet, but it is just the beginning.

“Yes 2020 is just the beginning, the beginning of new ways of doing things, the beginning to share lessons learnt through the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic which has dampened the planned celebrations of the week. At the same time it has shown to the world how nurses have responded positively through working long hours and under extreme pressure, leaving their families behind to care for those in need of nursing care and services. Some of them have even endured being quarantined for their own safety.

“Never more so than now, nurses have shown their spirit and strength in the face of adversity of the pandemic. Despite fear, fatigue and anxiety about safety and that of their family, this has not deterred them from their caring duties. Nurses are proud to contribute to overcoming COVID-19 in Seychelles.

“To ensure the continuity of nursing care during the epidemic, we urge health services to support nurses in the front line both at work and in quarantine, by ensuring they have adequate rest periods, sufficient personal protective equipment and psychological assistance.

“On this day the Association also urges all the preople living in Seychelles to value the unique role of nurses working in the COVID-19 pandemic. Nurses are the people who devote their lives to caring for mothers and children; giving life saving immunisations and health advice; looking after older people and generally meeting everyday essential health needs. They are often the first point of care in our community.

“The Association is appreciative that the government has eventually recognised the importance and contribution of nurses and have promised to implement the scheme of service for nurses in mid 2020. This is a small step forward and the Association is calling on all health sectors, especially the department of health, icluding private sectors, to do more for the working conditions of nurses and the association has been always available for discussion and negotiation.

“To all nurses and midwives, wishing you a happy day and am sure you have been tested and fervently applied your nursing experience, capacities, skills and knowledge during COVID-19 health response nationally. I hope the leaders and followers of our country do recognise the contributions you are making to our health system and the care of patients and clients.

I quote: ‘History cannot give us a program for the future, but it can give us a fuller understanding of ourselves, and of our common humanity, so that we can better face the future.’ Unquote:

“Happy Nurses Day 2020”.


Rosie Bistoquet

President of the Nurses Association of the Republic of Seychelles (Nars)



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