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SFWU welcomes President Faure’s measures to address COVID-19 |23 March 2020

SFWU welcomes President Faure’s measures to address COVID-19

Mr Robinson

The chairperson of the Seychelles Federation of Workers’ Union (SFWU0 has expressed support for and has welcomed the different measures President Danny Faure announced on Friday evening to address the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Antoine Robinson said on Saturday the federation believes the measures are good but that it now remains to be seen how the concerned authorities would successfully apply them.

He went on to point out that before the announcement the federation had been informed that certain businesses had already informed their employees that as from April their salaries would be slashed, creating additional uncertainty and panic among the already worried workforce.

Mr Robinson affirmed that before President Faure’s announcement there was a certain level of uncertainty and workers, mostly in the tourism and hospitality sector, were worried not only for their health but for the security of their employment.

He noted that the measures the president has announced would bring some security and peace of mind to the worried workers.

He went on to remind employers that at this critical time while they worry about the security of their businesses, all workers are also doubly worried for different reasons and it is therefore not a time to make the lives of their employees more difficult.

“Instead it would be good to use this moment to discuss ways to improve work place sanitary environment by ensuring there are enough sanitary material for workers, discuss in a more humane manner how both employees and employers can support each other. It would be good to encourage workers to take their leave among other things,” said Mr Robinson.

He has also extended the SFWU’s heartfelt gratitude and support to the health professionals who are on the frontline giving care to the COVID-19 patients.


Marie-Anne Lepathy

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