Vice-President Meriton holds first press conference for 2020 |10 March 2020

VP Meriton speaking during the press conference (Photo: Joena Meme)
Vice-President Vincent Meriton held his first press conference with the local media yesterday on various aspects related to the entities that fall under his portfolio.
Speaking on the cost of the internet, VP Meriton said that as it has been announced the prize of fixed broadband is continuously going down thus rating Seychelles 41st worldwide in relation to pricing.
VP Meriton noted that with the introduction of further competition in the market, the prize for fixed broadband will fall further. He stated that the challenge the country is currently facing is with the cost for mobile broadband where more has to be done to bring it down further.
He explained that it was for this reason that President Danny Faure in his State-of-the-nation address last month stated that to help reduce the price of mobile data, the government will reduce the license fees for Mobile Broadband operators by 20% from March 1 this year, in the hope that this benefit goes to consumers.
He said that the Department of Information Communication and Technology (DICT) is meeting the telecom operators to discuss the way forward in a short time frame and also the amount from the 20% reduction in costs that the consumers will stand to benefit.
He said that the public will be made aware of decisions taken on the matter.
Still in relation to the cost of internet, VP Meriton said although with a second internet submerged cable to be put in place soon, this will not have any effect on reducing the cost as it will act more as a back-up for any eventuality that may occur to the other cable.
Vice-President Meriton noted that it is only with competition in the market that we will see a drop in costs for mobile broadband. He said that with the penetration of Intelvision as the mobile broadband competitor in the near future, it will only be then that the costs for the service will go down.
With the intention of Intelvision to provide 5G services thus raising concerns about public health and other environment issues on our flora and fauna, Vice- President Meriton said from studies carried out by credible organisations in relation to that issue, 5G poses no threat to the above mentioned. He explained that at times competitors write distorted information to prevent others from entering the market.
He added it is inevitable that Seychelles will venture into 5G.
In relation to WIFI on buses as announced by President Faure in his SONA, Vice-President Meriton said that work is underway to offer the service this year.
Commenting on an issue raised by the Citizens Engagement Platform Seychelles (Ceps) regarding additional funds for implementation of identified projects, the vice-president hailed the contribution of Ceps in the development of the country, and said that the civil society and other affiliated government bodies should work together to address issues.
He stated that Ceps was allocated with funding in the 2020 budget and urged it to immediately start planning on its specific projects in collaboration with its stakeholders for adequate fund allocation in the 2021 budget.
On the ease of doing business, especially for those starting a business, Vice-President Meriton said that to do business is not only about the person getting the money to start but also one has to have the willingness to do business.
He claimed that through funding from the African Development Bank (ADB) in collaboration with Enterprise Seychelles Agency (ESA) and through programmes by the Seychelles National Youth Council (SNYC), 800 Seychellois have been trained to run businesses.
He urged those wanting to venture in businesses to use all opportunities offered by ESA, SNYC, The Guy Morel Institute (TGMI), the National Institute of Science Technology and Innovation (Nisti) and other government bodies.
Speaking about the Fisheries Transparency Initiative (FiTI) International Secretariat, Vice-President Meriton, who holds the Blue Economy portfolio, said that though Seychelles is not a member for the time being, the FiTI headquarters which was based in Berlin, Germany, has since January 2020 moved to Seychelles, precisely at the Providence Industrial Estate.
FiTI is an international organisation aimed at ensuring good governance, transparency and accountability within the global fisheries sector. It was during the ‘Our Oceans’ Conference held in Bali in 2018 that Seychelles, through Vice-President Meriton, pledged to host the secretariat.
Vice-President Meriton said it is the first time that the headquarters of the secretariat is moved from the north to south in Seychelles, and that for us this is a great honour.
He said that Mauritania is the first African country to have its candidature application accepted while Seychelles will follow suit.
He added that FiTI decided to move its headquarters here following our good track record in transparency and good governance.